Letters: Inquirer biased against Trump
Blatant bias against Trump If my wife didn't insist on doing the crossword, I would cancel our subscription. Including the photo of Joseph Stalin with Wednesday's editorial ("Media aren't the enemy), in which you excoriate President Trump for criticizing the media, is gratuito
Blatant bias against Trump
If my wife didn't insist on doing the crossword, I would cancel our subscription. Including the photo of Joseph Stalin with Wednesday's editorial ("Media aren't the enemy), in which you excoriate President Trump for criticizing the media, is gratuitous and outrageous beyond the pale. It is insulting, disrespectful, and only compounded the inference that he is following in the footsteps of the worst of authoritarians. My college journalism professor is spinning in his grave over the way the Inquirer regularly cherry picks facts to maximize the intentional impact your paper has on delegitimizing the president and his supporters. In this respect, I agree, you are "the enemy of the people."
Take your own advice and get over yourselves and your thin skin - just the facts please, and we will decide. My wife can do your crossword, and I will read the Wall Street Journal to get a balanced view of the news.
|Bruce Murray, Abington
President's impulsive tweets
Columnist Michael Smercomish hopes the man in the White House continues to tweet, providing "a unique, unvarnished window into a president's thinking" ("What's in a tweet? Maybe presidential strategy," Sunday). Nonsense. What these tweets provide is evidence that this president cannot analyze any issue or topic in depth but must knee-jerk react instead in 140 characters. His tweets are emblematic of someone incapable of substantial analysis or discourse.
|Tom Goodman, Philadelphia
Christie's exorbitant project
Gov. Christie's $300 million New Jersey Statehouse renovation project for 266 government employees represents more than $1 million per employee - a staggering and outrageous sum ("Capitol 'firetrap,' " Tuesday). The recently completed U.S. Capitol Dome project in Washington cost $60 million, a pittance compared to New Jersey's plan.
|Fred Walker, Wyndmoor
Chaput wrong about gays
David O'Reilly did a fine job reporting on Archbishop Charles J. Chaput's book, Strangers in a Strange Land: Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World ("Chaput's world, by the book," Tuesday). Chaput was and evidently continues to be so upset about the legalization of gay marriage. I would love to hear his thoughts on what was also reported in the Inquirer the same day - the perhaps unintended consequence that gay teen suicide has decreased since same-sex marriage became legal ("Suicide attempts fell amid gay acceptance"). How can his church not feel the responsibility of thrusting vulnerable youths to despair when it would not only limit their legal rights but describe them as "intrinsically disordered." It's horrifying.
|Kate Farrell, Philadelphia, katefarrell78@gmail.com
Other real-world choices
I was saddened that commentary writer Anastasia Hudgins felt that she had no other choice than abortion after testing determined that her baby would be miscarried or born with trisomy 18 ("Real-world choices behind an abortion," Friday). Her story and those told at a news conference led by Gov. Wolf and Mayor Kenney ("Kenney and Wolf oppose abortion bill," Feb. 16) are opposite of the ones I hear from "Lily's Gift" families.
Lily's Gift (www.LilysGift.org) is a network of volunteers who also experienced the real-world crises of a prenatal diagnosis and offer support to expectant parents seeking to honor the life of their vulnerable unborn baby. These couples were not alone as they carried to term. Both in the natural birth or death of their babies, they found their sadness bearable as part of the "real-world" experience of being human.
As one mother who decided to go to term after a poor prenatal diagnosis told me: "the peace it brought us is simply invaluable."
|Sister Kathleen Schipani, Philadelphia, LilysGiftLuke12.27@gmail.com
Humans cause global warming
A recent scientific report has used mathematical equations to show that actions by humans have 170 times the impact of natural forces in causing rising world average temperatures, in recent years. This report, by scientists Will Steffen of Australia and Mick Mulroney of Ireland, was recently published in a peer-reviewed journal, and has not been contested by serious scientists.
Those who deny human impact on climate change are sadly mistaken. It would be nice to wish away our problems, but they are all too real. One example: there has been no "hiatus" in climate warming - 10 of the last 11 years have seen rising temperatures around the globe.
We should commend Mayor Kenney's courageous work in the Compact of Mayors, representing more than 100 cities, taking action to make Philadelphia a city where climate change is taken seriously, and action for clean-energy solutions is being welcomed. We can't afford to do otherwise.
|Ed Aguilar, Pennsylvania director, Coalition for Peace Action, Philadelphia, Cfpa@peacecoalition.org