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Letters: Don't cut funds to sanctuary cities

Penalizing sanctuary cities I was disheartened to read of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' divisive warning to disqualify Philadelphia and other sanctuary cities of their eligibility for Department of Justice grants ("AG threatens federal funds for sanctuary cities," Thursday). The move defies logic, since cutting funding for improving safety would be an abdication of the government's duty.

Penalizing sanctuary cities

I was disheartened to read of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' divisive warning to disqualify Philadelphia and other sanctuary cities of their eligibility for Department of Justice grants ("AG threatens federal funds for sanctuary cities," Thursday). The move defies logic, since cutting funding for improving safety would be an abdication of the government's duty.

We know from President Trump's campaign comments that he imagines threats to law and order that do not exist. In fact, native-born Americans are twice as likely to commit a crime as an immigrant, regardless of documentation status. Sessions' edict is yet another effort to scapegoat the most vulnerable, many of whom are hardworking mothers, fathers, and young people trying to build a better life for themselves.

I commend Mayor Kenney for standing up to protect Philadelphia's sanctuary status. All residents of Philadelphia contribute to the interwoven fabric that has made this city great and welcoming for hundreds of years.

|Welton Chang, Philadelphia

Poignant Phillies moment

As I read the obituary of Ruben Amaro Sr. ("A baseball lifer," Saturday), I was reminded of one of the most moving scenes I've seen at the Phillies' spring training camp in Clearwater, Fla. As a game ended, most of the players quickly walked off the field, but Ruben noticed a family with two young children, one severely disabled in a wheelchair, and stopped to talk to them. He told them to wait while he went in the clubhouse, quickly returning with two baseballs for the kids. He spent time talking to them and their parents.

Those of us who saw this had tears in our eyes for this wonderful gesture.

|Frank Brodsky, Wynnewood

Yay for women's hoops

I am just delighted that after 62 years of waiting, I was able to see girls' basketball finally receive some recognition in the sports section of the Inquirer ("Mighty Huskies dethroned," Sunday). As the coach and athletic director at Immaculata College from 1955 to 1961 (known as Miss D), I can say that Mississippi State's 66-64 overtime win over undefeated University of Connecticut was one of the best games I ever had the pleasure to watch.

|Cathy Donohue Schumacher, Drexel Hill

Make way for school choice

I agree with the commentary, "Pa. should keep expanding school choice" (March 28). It is shameful that Pennsylvania has taken so long to create any sort of meaningful momentum in the school-choice movement, and children and families suffer because of it.

The biggest argument we hear against school choice is that public schools will be defunded. This claim is not only inaccurate but irrelevant. When parents choose to patronize a school that better serves their child, why should we keep funneling billions of dollars to prop up a failing system that is serving no one well? The teachers' unions are the enemy of school choice, because they are looking out for themselves, first and foremost.

|Teresa Mull, education research fellow, Heartland Institute, Philipsburg, Pa.,

How about opening an IRA?

Why is it necessary to set up investment pools for workers without access to 401(k) plans ("Another path to retirement," Monday)? T. Rowe Price offers an individual retirement account with a minimum $1,000 investment. Automatic Investment Plan options could then be used to make payroll contributions. Ariel Investments has a $50 per month AIP, while Charles Schwab has a $100 per month IRA plan. Keep it simple; use what is already available.

|George O'Brien, Morrisville