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Letters |

Bonnie and ClydeRegarding the Center City "Bonnie and Clyde" (Inquirer, Dec. 7), let me paraphrase 1988 vice presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen when referring to another spoiled rich kid: "I knew Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty in the film Bonnie and Clyde; they were icons of mine. Jocelyn Kirsch is no Faye Dunaway; and for sure Edward Anderton is no Warren Beatty."

Bonnie and Clyde

Regarding the Center City "Bonnie and Clyde" (Inquirer, Dec. 7), let me paraphrase 1988 vice presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen when referring to another spoiled rich kid: "I knew Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty in the film

Bonnie and Clyde

; they were icons of mine. Jocelyn Kirsch is no Faye Dunaway; and for sure Edward Anderton is no Warren Beatty."

Michael Sullivan


Human depravity

The article "Hunt runs in the blood" (Inquirer, Dec. 2) illustrates perfectly the difference between large urban centers such as Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and the rest of our state, in terms of the outdated, rural, tradition-based "backwoods" attitude of entitlement toward hunting and modern progressive enlightenment.

The hunting lobby, with its NRA gun-loving mentality, is also one of the major reasons we can't get responsible gun control passed in this state. Cities are effectively held hostage by the large rural portion of the state that likes to kill animals.

To view the slaughter of a variety of living creatures (all with their own social structures in nature) as a fun, family bonding outing is incomprehensible and barbaric. It is a mark of human depravity to get enjoyment from the organized murder of an animal.



declining, however, and I sincerely hope that education and urbanization of rural areas eventually relegates this bloodthirsty activity to history books.

Arlene B. Steinberg


Mideast truths

Kudos to Carlin Romano for his review of two books -

The Great Arab Conquests

by Hugh Kennedy and

Jews and Power

by Ruth R. Wisse - that should have been mandatory for all participants prior to the recent Annapolis conference ("Pair offer historical truths about Jewish, Arab territory," Dec. 2).

Historical facts will do nothing to change the venom expressed by Hamas and its supporters, but those pressuring Israel for more concessions, especially Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, would be well-advised to reconsider the issue of a so-called Palestinian state.

What is now the state of Israel is the factually historic homeland of the Jewish people. In 1922, the League of Nations Mandate indisputably allotted this land to a Jewish state. This was never legally superseded, and the mandate of this territory was never replaced by any sovereign state.

Israel should desist from self-blame or apology for acquiring territory in defensive, survivalist wars; unashamedly use its political and military power; relinquish no further territory without explicit recognition by its enemies; insist it is a sovereign state with every right to exist; and accept no return of so-called refugees or anything else that would destroy its right to remain a Jewish state.

Eric W. Fine

Elkins Park

Some family man

In a city filled with political cronyism, violent crime and failing schools, we finally have hope: a new mayor with the energy and optimism to lead us into a new era. Philadelphia is on the rise.

So why does The Inquirer put George Anastasia's fawning profile of a thug ("A 'family man' who's content in shadows?" Dec. 2) on the front of the Metro section?

Are we supposed to admire Joseph Ligambi for being "low-key" and "circumspect" when in fact he is tearing down a city in desperate need of renewal? Illegal video-poker, bookmaking, loansharking and extortion?

Awesome. Just what we need.

Julie Odell
