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Lynch-mob mentality I was appalled to read about the mob beating of Jose Carrasquillo in Kensington ("Attack on suspect is quandary to officials," Thursday).



I was appalled to read about the mob beating of Jose Carrasquillo in Kensington ("Attack on suspect is quandary to officials," Thursday).

I agree that the savage attack on an 11-year-old girl was despicable. I can understand the rage people felt about it. Given his rap sheet, I might even find it difficult to say anything good about Carrasquillo.

However, what was done to this man - who was not even charged at the time - was contemptible. This is the type of mentality that led to lynching in the South. Each person in that mob should be charged for this beating. Or, perhaps, Kensington residents cannot be expected to know any better.

Neal Bracken


Why do we

blame ourselves?

In response to Wednesday's editorial "Lawful means," why do we have to restore our image in the eyes of the world? We already had the European Apology Tour, which I would consider to be a slap in the face to every American. What's next? Here we are crying about waterboarding, but I wonder, on how many people and how many times this tactic was used? How many in the last year? And how many attacks have there been against us and this country since 2001?

Why do some people feel that we have to be nice to those fighting against us? Does no one remember the pictures of Americans being dragged down the streets of Iraq, then hung off a bridge and set on fire? Yet here we sit, in all our self-righteousness, and claim that we are the bad guys, that 9/11 was really our fault.

William Wick


College isn't the only

measure of success

It is laudable that The Inquirer (which continues to pat itself on the back for "exposing" the corrupt inner workings of the Board of Revision of Taxes) recommends that the employees of the BRT be removed from the payroll of the Philadelphia School District. But it's unfortunate that the newspaper chose to take a backhanded swipe at those who haven't gone to or finished college.

By pointing out that the BRT's executive director has only a "high school degree," yet (gasp!) makes almost $100,000 a year, The Inquirer has implied that only advanced learners deserve to earn that type of salary. Never mind that he has worked at the BRT since 1972.

There are many people for whom the traditional classroom setting hasn't worked, yet they have become successful by gaining experience on the job. I guess The Inquirer believes that experience and on-the-job learning don't qualify as continuing education. It's all about the sheepskin, isn't it?

By the way, high schools confer diplomas, not degrees. Oops! Now put on your dunce cap and sit in the corner.

John Gormley



dignity of all

The murder of late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller has been swiftly condemned by the leaders of the pro-life movement. The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation extends its deepest sympathies and prayers to Tiller's family.

We continue to oppose all acts of violence, which run directly counter to our mission to restore respect for human life. We believe in expressing our opposition to the violence of abortion through the peaceful and legal means of education and legislative action. And we in Pennsylvania's pro-life movement will continue to work for peaceful solutions to assist pregnant women and their preborn children, older Pennsylvanians, and people with disabilities - solutions that respect the dignity of all people, from the youngest to the oldest among us.

Maria Vitale

Education director

Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation




I hope Tony Auth will have a cartoon that depicts his outrage at the murder of Pvt. William Long, allegedly at the hands of an antiwar extremist. Surely this act was provoked by the hateful rhetoric of antiwar activists. And we know how Auth feels about such rhetoric. I look forward to his response to this cowardly act and hope it will be as provocative as his response to the killing of Dr. George Tiller.

Robert Pallies


Movement lacks

common sense

It is OK to believe that God created the world in six days, that being gay is bad, that women are not fit to be priests, or that life begins at conception. That's religious freedom, a freedom even to believe stuff for which there is no evidence.

But it is not OK to insist that others live according to your beliefs. The murder of Dr. George Tiller reminds us of a fundamental problem with the right-to-life movement - the lack of common sense.

Al Giacomucci
