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Mind Menu Where to feed your intellect

Indicates wheelchair-accessible. Indicates listening devices. Events are free unless otherwise indicated. Symposiums & seminars Steve Forbes. President and CEO of Forbes Inc. and editor in chief of Forbes Magazine, is the keynote speaker at the 2009 Atlas Award honoring Jayne B. Garrison, presented by the World Affairs Council. The Crystal Tea Room at the Wan

Events are free unless otherwise indicated.

Symposiums & seminars

Steve Forbes.

President and CEO of Forbes Inc. and editor in chief of Forbes Magazine, is the keynote speaker at the 2009 Atlas Award honoring Jayne B. Garrison, presented by the World Affairs Council. The Crystal Tea Room at the Wanamaker Bldg, 100 East Penn Sq; 215-561-4700.


. Fees range from $250-$65.

11:30 a.m. Tue.

Latkepalozza. Biggest Hanukkah celebration in Philadelphia. The Gershman Y, 401 S. Broad St; 215-545-4400. Advance tickets adults $15, children $10; at door, adults $18, children $13. 2-4 p.m. Sun.

Lectures & literature

The Osage Poets.

Hosted by Leonard Gontarek and Lisa Grunberger. The Green Line Cafe, 45th & Locust St; 215-808-9507. 7 p.m. Tue.


Free Library of Philadelphia.

Central Library (Montgomery Auditorium), 1901 Vine St; 215-567-4341.


. Julie Powell, "Cleaving: A Story of Marriage, Meat and Obsession," 7:30 p.m. Tue.


A Christmas Carol.

Starring Alastair Sim, Michael Caine, George C. Scott, Bill Murray, Patrick Stewart, and Mr. Magoo. Drexel professor Ian Abrams introduces his unique film compilation of Dickens' classic. Screening and discussion. Bryn Mawr Film Institute, 824 W. Lancaster Ave; 610-527-4008.


. General admission $9.50, seniors and students $6.75, BMFI members $5. 7 p.m. Wed.

For a complete calendar of events, go to "What's Happening," at