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Letters: Talk to young people about Catholic schools

The "blue-ribbon panel" appointed by Cardinal Justin Rigali might better be described as a "blue-haired panel" ("Archdiocese picks panel to study Catholic schools," Wednesday).

The "blue-ribbon panel" appointed by Cardinal Justin Rigali might better be described as a "blue-haired panel" ("Archdiocese picks panel to study Catholic schools," Wednesday).

The 17-member committee is composed of a retired executive of DuPont Co., several business leaders, including the chairman emeritus of Cigna Corp., a vice dean at the Wharton School, and a former vice chair of the management consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers. The panel also includes "four priests and four nuns."

Where are the young people who will inherit the church?

Don't get me wrong. I sincerely respect and appreciate the commitment of these mature, experienced panel members who will examine the issue of Catholic schools' declining enrollment. But how many young people (ages 16 to 35) will be included on this panel? I could nominate a number of wonderful young Catholics whom I know.

Perhaps it's time to solicit the unadulterated feedback of the people who will inherit this institution when we "blue hairs" are long gone. What are we afraid of learning?

Bernie Simasek

Kennett Square