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Just downright mean

Leonard J. Pitts' column "A meanness in this world," April 23, was spot on. Recently my wife and I watched Caddyshack, a movie I had somehow managed to miss until now. The next day we were talking about how great it was, even though it poked fun at so many folks. What made it great was that, like the Three Stooges' slapstick, it wasn't mean. There is so much meanness in other entertainment and public life these days - movies, TV, video games, music (gangsta rap), even politics.

Leonard J. Pitts' column "A meanness in this world," April 23, was spot on.

Recently my wife and I watched Caddyshack, a movie I had somehow managed to miss until now. The next day we were talking about how great it was, even though it poked fun at so many folks. What made it great was that, like the Three Stooges' slapstick, it wasn't mean. There is so much meanness in other entertainment and public life these days - movies, TV, video games, music (gangsta rap), even politics.

I remember thinking during the proceedings against Bill Clinton, "They're taking way too much pleasure in trashing this guy." To me this marked the beginning of mean politics. While politicians have been bashing each other forever, they used to do it to accomplish something rather than for the sheer joy of it.

I think the impeachment turned more people against the Republicans than anything the Democrats could have done, and exposed the GOP to the backlash it is receiving today.

Pitts might be underestimating the number of people who recognize and lament this pervasive meanness. But I guess it's tough to confront a problem that might have no answers, and admitting that maybe there are no answers can be the toughest answer of all. And the scariest.

Mike Space
Coopersburg, Pa.