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Michael Nutter

My vision for Philadelphia is a place where people are inspired by city government, not embarrassed by it. Philadelphians are fed up with their city's reputation for being a "corrupted and contented" place where contributions and connections are the key to contracts and jobs. For many of us, the 2003 federal corruption probe into City Hall was the last straw. A new spirit of reform is challenging Philadelphia's culture of pay-to-play. We will no longer tolerate the corrosive "corruption tax" that drives away people and businesses unwilling to pay to play.

My vision for Philadelphia is a place where people are inspired by city government, not embarrassed by it. Philadelphians are fed up with their city's reputation for being a "corrupted and contented" place where contributions and connections are the key to contracts and jobs. For many of us, the 2003 federal corruption probe into City Hall was the last straw. A new spirit of reform is challenging Philadelphia's culture of pay-to-play. We will no longer tolerate the corrosive "corruption tax" that drives away people and businesses unwilling to pay to play.

The initiatives I championed and supported while on City Council have placed serious tools in the hands of Philadelphians working to end corruption in our city. I wrote the law that created the Board of Ethics, and I supported the campaign finance law that has restricted donations in this year's elections. Implementing those ideas and pursuing the new initiatives I have proposed will make Philadelphia a model for ethics reform and improved government performance.

My Ethics Now Plan is a public integrity compact with Philadelphia citizens that consists of the best of existing and proposed reforms, Here are some:

The Board of Ethics should post all of its enforcement decisions online.

Financial disclosure forms for all city employees should be filed every year and available for review by citizens online.

Random financial audits should be conducted among all city elected and senior appointed officials and the results should be posted online.

All agreements that benefit community or civic organizations should be written, disclosed, made part of the public record, and available for public review.

In addition, every year, I will publish a Campaign Accountability Report, detailing the progress of every single proposal that I make as a candidate for mayor. In addition, as mayor, I will support increased funding for public corruption investigations at the District Attorney's Office.