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Letters to the Editor

Philly itself will be a tough sell Re: "The result is half-baked as the Colonel goes grilled," Tuesday: Craig LaBan's review of KFC's new "grilled" chicken shows why Robert C. Wonderling, the new president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, will have a tough job.

Philly itself

will be a tough sell

Re: "The result is half-baked as the Colonel goes grilled," Tuesday:

Craig LaBan's review of KFC's new "grilled" chicken shows why Robert C. Wonderling, the new president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, will have a tough job.

LaBan said his food was handed to him "through a hatch in the bulletproof counter window at a KFC on Broad Street at Girard Avenue." He later got "a busy counter person to buzz me into the restroom so I could wash my hands . . . only to witness the resulting filth of a broken-handled toilet."

And LaBan questioned the quality of the food?

We recommend some visits to KFCs outside of Mr. Wonderling's perilous and phil-thy Philly!

Bernard H. Meyer

Newtown Square

Medicare regulations will do damage

Re: "Recession is making nursing shortage worse," Tuesday:

The Obama administration has included in the fiscal 2010 budget ill-considered federal Medicare regulations that could inflict further damage on the long-term-care sector's staffing woes.

The Bush-era regulations, scheduled to go into effect in October, will cut Medicare funding to nursing homes by $1.05 billion next year, $7.23 billion over five years, and $18 billion over 10 years. This would cause a loss of 30,000 jobs nationwide, and 1,200 jobs in Pennsylvania next year alone.

President Obama and his team are diligently focused on job-creation and health-care reforms designed to expand access and control delivery costs. Proposed Medicare regulations should be in synch with the administration's broader policy objectives - not contrary to them.

Alan G. Rosenbloom


Alliance for Quality

Nursing Home Care


It's the talk

of the beauty shop

Re: "Obama, in Egypt, calls for new start," Friday:

Today, at the beauty shop, a woman with whom I am friendly sarcastically said to me: "Are you happy with what Obama is doing now? He is even for stopping the settlements!" She was referring to the settlements Israel continues to build on Palestinian land that Israel took over in the 1967 war.

Many Jews in the United States agree with the woman in the beauty shop that the settlements, and the killing of Palestinians, are justified because the Palestinians are all terrorists who want the demise of Israel. They are pleased that the United States gives almost $3 billion in military aid to Israel.

But they see only Israel's side of the story, and not the view of the Gazans or Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hamas wants to talk now. President Obama has an opportunity to make a real change in the Middle East now. Diplomacy can't wait.

Genie Silver


Dreaming of

an electric car

I wonder how many other automobile owners across the country are hoping, as I am, that their next one will be electric - not even a hybrid, but a 100 percent, plug-in, electric-powered car.

I wonder how different our economy and world position would be now, if the oil-company-driven auto industry had retooled back when it really should have.

Robert Schatz

Mount Laurel

Carbon-monoxide alarms save lives

The Philadelphia Fire Department encourages the General Assembly to pass House Bill 1445, which would require carbon-monoxide alarms in Pennsylvania homes.

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in America, and Pennsylvania has the highest number of CO deaths in the nation.

Because carbon monoxide is odorless, tasteless, and colorless, having a working CO alarm is the only safe way to detect this "silent killer."

As a firefighter, I encourage the General Assembly to pass HB 1445, but I ask homeowners not to wait for a carbon-monoxide alarm law. Ensure maximum protection for your family now.

Lloyd Ayers

Fire Commissioner

Philadelphia Fire Department