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Letters to the Editor

Times are tough, for some Imagine the hardships the Obamas must have endured during their separate visits to Copenhagen, Denmark, in trying to secure the 2016 Olympics for Chicago. Two separate luxurious jets, Michelle having Oprah as her companion, staying at a five-star hotel, dining in fine restaurants, cocktail parties, etc. This truly defines the word sacrifice.

Times are

tough, for some

Imagine the hardships the Obamas must have endured during their separate visits to Copenhagen, Denmark, in trying to secure the 2016 Olympics for Chicago. Two separate luxurious jets, Michelle having Oprah as her companion, staying at a five-star hotel, dining in fine restaurants, cocktail parties, etc. This truly defines the word sacrifice.

I guess 9/11, the call for more troops in Afghanistan, health-care reform, and Iran are less important than having the 2016 Olympics in the president's hometown.

James J. ODonnell

Ocean City

Look who's

criticizing now

It's encouraging to see that Matt Mackowiak, former press secretary to two Republican senators, has come to the realization that big deficits are a bad thing ("There is no dodging the deficit," Thursday). Would that he had been writing his epistles when they counted.

Now this monster deficit, which was visited upon us by Mackowiak and his cohorts, is suddenly news, and he lectures the new administration.

I'll go with the president who was not part of the problem and let his ideas work out - they certainly can't be worse than what we've lived with for eight long years. A man of character can do a lot, even with this mess.

Theresa Comerford

Egg Harbor City

Champagne showers

are a disgrace

My rooting for the Phillies goes back to when the doubleheaders were pitched by Schoolboy Rowe and Dutch Leonard. I am thrilled with their winning the National League East for the third year in a row. However, I consider the clubhouse antics after the victory a disgrace.

I realize they are following tradition, but is it not time to change some traditions? The excessive spraying of champagne and beer should stop.

I really question whether many of the players enjoy this tradition.

The Phillies could show a lot of class if they, in the future, announced that the debacle in the clubhouse after significant victories was going to stop, and that the cost of that celebrating process would be donated to worthy causes in Philadelphia.

Dave Gilbert

Kennett Square


something will work

It seems obvious that the United States has had a bloodless coup in the form of the Democrats' having control of all three branches of government. The extreme side of the party has the most influence and is now acting while the "iron is hot" - that is, at the beginning of the president's term, when ratings and expectations are high.

Why are those in power in such a hurry to change medicine in the country, and approve cap-and-trade in the midst of a major economic downturn, terrorism, and conflicts in the Mideast - while the president was trying to sell Chicago in Denmark?

The idea appears to be that if enough major changes are introduced, some are bound to stick. What seems clear also is the effort to make America into another subservient country under the auspices of the United Nations.

Henry Coxe



statement about poll

Dean Kralle's observation that somehow "radical, right-wing talk radio" is responsible for the morons who put up the Obama assassination poll on Facebook is as irresponsible as his leader Nancy Pelosi's waxing alarmingly about the correlation between today's dissent and the bloody turmoil in '70s San Francisco ("A sickening poll on killing," Thursday).

A more direct target for his condemnation would be the producers of the recent movie Death of a President, whose plot actually had George W. Bush killed.

Stephen Hanover

Parker Ford