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How to improve your mobile phone etiquette

Your mobile phone is an essential part of your daily business however you can use your mobile phone politely. Practice at least one of these ideas this week.

Your mobile phone is an essential part of your daily business however you can use your mobile phone politely. Practice at least one of these ideas this week. Your callers, customers and other team members will appreciate your courtesy and you will be known for your amazing mobile phone etiquette.

Use message bank

This valuable addition to your phone is worthwhile - learn how to use it effectively and your callers will appreciate it. In your recorded message let callers know when they will hear from you eg. "please leave a message and I will return your call within 24 hours".

Turn if off

That’s right - no-one is indispensable! In meetings, at meals, in church, theatre, movies or other public areas - turn if off. If you have message bank you callers will always be able to reach you.

Use the lift as a guide

When you are on your way to a meeting, turn your phone off in the lift. When your meeting is completed and you get back in the lift, turn it back on. This simple technique will avoid the embarrassment of your phone ringing during an important meeting.

Turn it to Silent mode

If you are expecting an important call, explain you are waiting for a call and you may need to be excused when it comes through. When taking the call, leave the room to ensure privacy.

Keep conversations short

Not everyone around you wants to hear all of your plans so keep conversations short and to the point. Remember the cost of mobile calls are expensive - save yourself and your business money where you can.

Ask the person "Can you talk right now?"

This courtesy will assist the receiver decide whether to take the call or call back later. Always provide this option to your receiver as you do not know where they are, who they are with or who is listening to the conversation.

Clear your messages regularly

If your callers have left you a message, do them the courtesy of calling back. If you call a mobile phone and message bank is available - leave a message. It is annoying for the receiver to hear the "hang up" beeps instead of your voice. This can save you time because you may be able to handle questions etc through voice mail instead of talking to the person.

Be considerate about time

Try to restrict your calls to business hours (unless your job indicates otherwise). Mobile phones have made us even more accessible to other team members, be aware people have lives outside of the office.

If you are in your car, let the caller know

If you have a passenger and you are on speaker phone, introduce them to the caller. This will avoid any embarrassing situations and ensure confidentiality about all subjects.

Always be professional and considerate

If you decide to take calls when you are with other people, excuse yourself, leave the room but remember the person you are with may feel less important than your caller. Use message bank, use silent mode or just turn it off.