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In my Small opinion

Despite being a Designated Player, Kléberson hasn't been on the field much for the Union. (Maurilio Cheli/AP file photo)
Despite being a Designated Player, Kléberson hasn't been on the field much for the Union. (Maurilio Cheli/AP file photo)Read more

In my Small opinion...

It does not matter that the viewer who dimed out Tiger Woods at The Masters turned out to be David Eger, a Champions Tour player and former USGA and PGA tours official.

A month after the Masters, Eger revealed himself to Sports Illustrated the other day.

Regardless of the stature or credentials of the viewer, Golf should not examine possible violations because someone called from while watching an event on television. Vide replay doesn't work fairly in golf unless there is a recording of every golfer and every shot during any given tournament.

That is the only way to even the playing field for all participants.

It doesn't matter that Woods actually committed the violation that caused so much controversy last month at The Masters. The fact remains that he became a victim of his own popularity and the desire for television to broadcast his every move during the tournament.

There are only a handful of golfers at any event that demand the shot-to-shot television coverage that Woods gets.

Those golfers are at a disadvantage when it comes to viewers having the ability to play "Armchair Officials" and call in violations they see from their lounge seats at home.

Had Woods been 90 percent of the other golfers in The Masters, odds are that Eger would not have been able to DVR Wood's shot and call in the violation because there would have been no televised evidence of it.

How many violations are committed during a tournament are never pointed out because they happen during shots that are not televised?

How is that fair to popular players like Woods, Phil Mickleson, Adam Scott or Rory McElroy who rarely make a shot without it being televised?

We want to get things right and video replay is a wonderful tool to make that happen. But it only works if it applies to all participants evenly.

The fact that Woods can have a mistake called in from a viewer at home while a player like Boo Weekely or John Senden would rarely have that concern makes the playing field uneven.

… Officially, Tony DiLeo is the general manager of your Philadelphia 76ers so there isn't any tangible reason for management to assert who is running the day-to-day show as the franchise navigates an offseason that will bring huge changes.

But considering the perception that DiLeo, who was named general manager last year, had just a token title and that either former coach Doug Collins or/and former president Rod Thorn were making the ultimate calls, some clarification is in order.

Collins and Thorn have supposedly moved on to "consultant" roles for the Sixers. By default that leaves DiLeo as the top power broker in the basketball operations department.

That's fine if that is what is really going on, but if DiLeo isn't the guy making the calls, we'd like to know if for no other reason than we'd like to know who to blame if things go wrong.

According to Yahoo Sports, somebody in the Sixers organization, possibly DiLeo, is bringing in Utah Jazz assistant coach Jeff Hornacek and Golden State Warriors assistant coach Mike Malone to interview to replace Collins.

Those are underwhelming choices and it would nice to be able to know who made those calls. It will also be nice to know who to look to on the decisions concerning the 2013 draft, roster moves and the possible re-signing of controversial center Andrew Bynum.

Somebody is going to end up making some significant franchise altering decisions for the Sixers.

We'd like to be exactly sure of who that will be.

… If Brazilian midfielder Jose Kleberson isn't ready to start for the Union a month after he was traded to Philadelphia for Freddy Adu when will he be?

"Kleberson is a guy that continues to get acclimated here, and we're trying to get him to a point where we feel he can play more minutes, but we're not going to force that," Union manager John Hackworth said during his press conference before Saturday's game with Seattle FC at PPL Park. "He has not played a full 90 minutes in an awful long time, so we have to prepare him to do that."

Oh give me a break.

Kleberson, who was a member of two World Cup teams for Brazil, is 33 not 43, and nobody is asking him to play a full 90 minutes – although for the money he's making as a designated player he should be.

Still he's got to be able to play more than the 29 minutes he's totaled in two appearances for the Union.

It's not like the Union has David Beckham and Xabi Alonso manning the midfield. If Kleberson cutting into the playing time of a guy like Keon Daniel (seven starts, 590 minutes) is going to diminish the squad, he's about as useful as Adu was to the Union.

… Just because a recent poll done by the Associated Press-GfK says that 79 percent of Americans favor the Washington NFL franchise keep the name "Redskins" does not mean it is not offensive.

If you want, you can make the argument that Native American nicknames like the Indians, Braves, Black Hawks or Seminoles are not derogatory but that does not apply to Redskins.

The primary use of the word "Redskins" is as a derogatory and racist slur towards Native Americans.

Supporters of the name claim that because it is now most associated with the NFL franchise, the name has evolved into something noble or prideful.

It's a slur.