Penn State's invitation to Sandusky far from letter-perfect
The Nits mistakenly reached out to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky, asking him to buy tickets to football games.

THE MUCKETY-MUCKS at Penn State must be cringing.
Someone forgot to make sure convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky was taken off the list of fans who receive letters from head football coach James Franklin asking for support. said it obtained a copy of the letter from filmmaker John Ziegler, who wrote the book "The Framing of Joe Paterno," and who operates the website
"I got it from someone at the Sandusky home when the letter was received," Ziegler told the Daily News in a email yesterday.
The letter, which was mailed to the address where Sandusky's wife Dottie still lives, begins: "Congratulations on being identified as one of the elite college football fans in the nation."
The letter goes on to ask him to visit campus and attend one of six men's or women's basketball games where he can speak with a "recruiting coordinator" about buying tickets to Penn State football.
That won't be happening anytime soon, as Sandusky is serving a 30- to 60-year stretch in state prison.
Yesterday, Jeff Nelson, Penn State's assistant athletic director for communications, gave a explanation for the embarrassing oversight.
"Clearly, a mistake was made and our database needs further updating and cross-referencing," he told Onward State. "This standard form letter was part of a mass mailing sent to approximately 30,000 people who have had season or single-game tickets within the past 4 years, encouraging them to support the team and help fill Beaver Stadium for every game in 2015."
Lauren Hill update
Mount St. Joseph's Lauren Hill, the 29-year-old freshman who played two college basketball games while battling an inoperable brain tumor, has been placed on hospice care at her Ohio home, her family announced earlier this week.
Our prayers are with her.