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Choice gets Vick's autograph after game

Cowboys running back Tashard Choice added a new twist to the postgame hugs and high-fives when he asked Eagles quarterback Michael Vick for his autograph on the field.

Cowboys running back Tashard Choice added a new twist to the postgame hugs and high-fives when he asked Eagles quarterback Michael Vick for his autograph on the field.

Choice had a Sharpie ready and got Vick to sign a white glove.

Vick called Choice a "great guy," but said he had never had that happen to him before.

Asked what Choice said to him, Vick said, "He wanted an autograph. I don't remember the conversation."

It did not take long for the uproar to get back to Choice, who took to Twitter after the game:

"Listen y'all I know Vick. That glove was for my nephew who is 3. Not for me."

Still, it will be interesting to see how that goes over in Dallas. We can't imagine it would have gone over very well here after an Eagles loss.