Jets' aide trips Dolphin
THERE'S AN OLD SAYING: If you're not cheating, you're not trying. Sal Alosi, strength and conditioning coach for the New York Jets, was trying very hard.
THERE'S AN OLD SAYING: If you're not cheating, you're not trying.
Sal Alosi, strength and conditioning coach for the New York Jets, was trying very hard.
Alosi, standing on the sideline during a loss to Miami yesterday, tripped Dolphins cornerback Nolan Carroll while the rookie was covering a punt in the third quarter.
"I accept responsibility for my actions as well as any punishment that follows," Alosi said in a statement released by the team. "I made a mistake that showed total lapse in judgment. My conduct was inexcusable and unsportsmanlike."
Alosi also apologized to Carroll, who said he wasn't angry about the incident.
"We got a W. That's not my problem," Carroll told the Associated Press. "That's the Jets' problem."
Snow way to treat your players
Be thankful Cavaliers coach Byron Scott isn't your boss.
On Wednesday night, Cleveland was hit by a heavy snowstorm that caused half the team to arrive later than usual for a game against the Bulls. The players did make it to the arena 30 minutes before tipoff, and the game did go off on time. Scott still went off on his team.
"Our players were late getting here, and it [the snow] didn't excuse them," Scott told Cleveland Plain Dealer. "They're all still getting fined."
What a @#%*#! way to describe a goal
Did he or didn't he?
On Thursday night, Craig Laughlin, a CSN analyst for the Capitals, used an odd word to describe a goal scored by the Panthers' Mike Santorelli.
Laughlin swears he called it a "shinny" goal, which is the basketball equivalent of a freestyling playground shot. But a lot of people swear they heard him replace the n's in "shinny" with t's. You can find the call on numerous YouTube videos.
Did he or didn't he?
You make the call.
- Tom Mahon
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