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Eagles Chat: McNabb, McNabb and more McNabb

The QB's always at the center of the action and fan reaction, as questions for Bob Brookover prove.

Bob Brookover:

Hi all. Just watched a little bit of practice and I'm ready to field your questions.


Will Donovan start on Sunday

Bob Brookover:

Love when we start with easy ones Malcolm. The answer is yes.


in your opinion. what do you think the real reason is as to why donovan mcnabb is being treated so unfairly by the fans and the media particularly the philadelphia media?

Bob Brookover:

Aaron, I don't think Donovan is being treated unfairly by the media. I think his play is analyzed and critiqued like any other quarterback in the NFL. It goes with the position. What's your opinion on the matter?


How is McNabb confidence going for the week's game ?

Bob Brookover:

I think at times this season Donovan has lacked confidence on the field. I thought he was starting to get some of that back because he was becoming healthier and able to move better before this ankle injury. It should be interesting to see how he plays in his return.


Why do you hate Mcnabb? And why have you been lobbying to have him run out of town?

Bob Brookover:

James, I don't hate McNabb. In fact, I like him and I think he's the best quarterback to ever play for the Eagles. I don't think he's had a particularly good year, but if I were the Eagles I'd bring him back for another year because I think the problems this season go beyond the way McNabb has played.


What is the plan of attack in this years draft...What are we focusing in on.

Bob Brookover:

I think it's still too soon to tell about the draft. We're still almost five months away from making that pick. Some needs: I think they could use help at defensive end, the secondary and I think they could use a good, young WR.


is it possible to keep mcnabb and have a successful season next year??

Bob Brookover:

Sure, it's possible. If McNabb comes back healthier and the team gets off to a good start, I think there's a real chance the Eagles can still be a winning team with McNabb. If you do keep McNabb, I think the Eagles need to get another big offensive weapon to complement his talents.

Jonathan Kuhn:

I saw that Brian Westbrook was listed on the injury report this week again with a knee injury. Is this more of a precautionary measure to keep him fresh or is this something that we have to worry about?

Bob Brookover:

It's definitely precautionary. The Eagles have practiced on their hard indoor surface all week because their practice fields are covered in snow. Westbrook has said all week that he's playing.


To many Eagles fans, there have been so many mis-calculations made by the head coach this season - weak special teams, lack of playmaker-type personnel, play-calling blunders, odd draft day decisions. Why isn't the head coach being held responsible for this season's continuing debacle?

Bob Brookover:

I think most of the media has been critical of Reid. I know I have. I don't think he deserves to be fired for what has happened, but I do believe he deserves a lot of blame for the way things have gone. Not all of it, but a lot of it.


After seeing David Akers make only two of his last eight from 40 + yards, do you think he is just in a rut or that this is a sign of a declining talent?

Bob Brookover:

That's a good question Wingo. I researched Akers' season yesterday for my story in today's paper. I still think he's a quality NFL kicker. If you look at how he has done compared to the opposing kickers on the day of games, he always measures up. I think he has a lot of good years left.

Buddy Ryan:

This defense is soft, and the mgmt is even softer what lies ahead in 08 is a crash back to 1998

Bob Brookover:

I completely disagree that the defense is soft. It's ninth against the run, 12th overall with a lot of young players that figure to get better. The defense's major weakness this year has been its inability to get turnovers and that's had more to do with bad hands than being soft. As for reverting to 1998, I think you're off base on that, too. But you obviously think Buddy Ryan was a great head coach, so you're probably still exhausted from celebrating all his playoff victories.

need philsophy:

when will this team put together a good mgmt team evaluating draft talent?

Bob Brookover:

Have the Eagles made some draft mistakes? Yes. They've also had some good drafts. It's not really fair to judge a draft until you sit down and really compare it to what other teams have done. I haven't done that in a couple of years, but I plan to do so in this offseason again.

Marty in LA:

Under what circumstances would the Birds consider starting Kolb this year? Would both McNabb and Feeley have to be injured? And would even THAT be enough?

Bob Brookover:

If McNabb and Feeley get hurt, Kolb would definitely start. If the Eagles are eliminated from playoff contention before the end of the season, I think it's possible that Kolb might get a start, but I'm not positive about that.

need philsophy:

when will they realize Daivd Culley is a horrible coach?

Bob Brookover:

I'm around the Eagles all the time and I'm not positive David Culley is a horrible coach. Is Kevin Curtis having a good season with Culley as his receivers coach?

Bob Brookover:

I think I'm all caught up. Does anybody else have questions. I'd love to answer some more.


McNabb should be traded in 08 not in Philly. Love the guy but he needs new scenery

Bob Brookover:

If I were the Eagles, I'd at least entertain offers for McNabb just to see what was out there. If you do trade McNabb and decide to start either Feeley or Kolb, you're probably admitting that it's going to take some time to become a Super Bowl contender again. That might be the way to go. That's what the Eagles have to decide.


Cully hasnt produced a good WR from the Eagles draft in 10 years. HE SUCKS

Bob Brookover:

You're certainly entitled to that opinion, but is it possible the Eagles made bad draft decisions at the WR position?


What do you think is Andy Reid's biggest weakness as a coach?

Bob Brookover:

Eating. Ba da boom. No, seriously, that's a great question Barbara. I would say it's probably his inability to make in-game adjustments and clock management. There have been too many times I've watched the Eagles leave points on the field because of clock management. Sometimes it has been the quarterback's fault, but that is also the coach's responsiblity because McNabb is his quarterback.


Trade him to MN...Us Vikings could use him..On that note is Westbrook playing this wknd..??

Bob Brookover:

The Vikings are certainly a team that should have interest if the Eagles shop McNabb. Westbrook is playing.

Marty in LA:

OK then, one more question. Why is it that when you have a Q&A session, so many people chime in with opinions rather than questions?

Bob Brookover:

Because opinions are like noses, Marty. Everybody has one and they like to express them. I have no problem with that. That's what makes this fun. Agreeing to disagree is what makes sports great.


truth is that this team IS years away from SB contention again. Defense lacks depth or great talent.

Bob Brookover:

I think this is what Marty meant. Teams can turn things around in a hurry in this league. Look at the Cowboys. A year ago at this time they were a team in collapse, giving away a division title to the Eagles. Now, they are a Super Bowl contender. Who's the star on the Cowboys' defense? They have some good players, but no great star.


any chance the eagles land a true #1 for next year.

Bob Brookover:

A true No. 1 what? Receiver? If that's your question, I don't know the answer. I think they could use another really good playmaker at the position. It doesn't necessarily have to be a true No. 1.


is Mcnabb not allowed to change calls ?? he doesnt look to command the field like Brady, Manning, etc

Bob Brookover:

Not only is he allowed to do it, he has done it. I'm sure he'll do it a few times Sunday. He's not as demonstrative as Brady or Manning and I think sometimes Donovan's teammates would like to see him take more control on the field and in the huddle.


if they aren't planning on signing LJ why not feature celek a little more and see what we have?

Bob Brookover:

I think you have to let L.J. play out the season. They'll be plenty of time to see Celek next season and the Eagles did a get a chance to look at him when L.J. missed a few games earlier this year.


Any chance the Eagles will take away the GM role from Reid? I think that he's a great coach, but average talent evaluator.

Bob Brookover:

I don't see that happening. Reid already relies heavily on Heckert for evaluating talent and he'll continue to do so. Heckert makes a lot of the draft decisions. If he didn't he would have left for another team when he had the chance.


Joe Banner said yesterday that he expects Donovan and Andy to return in '08. Do you think that's a smokescreen?

Bob Brookover:

I'm sure Reid is going to be back. I think McNabb's return could hinge on how he plays in these final four weeks. If he plays well and shows he's healthy, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was the starting QB for the Eagles on opening day next season.


are you a fantasy guy cause if you are I have a very important fantasy question...(Playoff time) I have Brady and Derek Anderson (1pt 25yd - 6TD) Guy Im playin has Braylon Edwards and Kellon Winslow (1pt 10yds - 6pt TD) Do I sit Brady to zero out his best chance at beating me..?

Bob Brookover:

I'm in a fantasy league, but we just keep score strictly by points score by your players. What you're talking about is way over my head. I'd always play Brady over Anderson, however.

agent 05:

why wont the Eagles run more, Buckhalter has looked good when called to duty, why not use him as the FB with Westbrook?

Bob Brookover:

I think the Eagles should get Buckhalter a few more carries every game, but I also understand why they want to get the ball to Westbrook as much as possible, too. I don't understand why they didn't get the ball into Westbrook's hands on the final offensive series last Sunday.

rory b:

what are your thoughts on jr reed? he looks a lot better than i had feared

I thought he played very well filling in for Mikell and so did Jim Johnson. You'll see him on the field some more against the Giants Sunday.

why is it that McNabb doesnt trust the WRs enough to make a play on the ball rather than wait till they are wide open (which is rare aside stop routes)

McNabb is definitely less of a risk taker than Feeley or Favre, which is one of the reasons he doesn't throw nearly as many interceptions as those guys. That's a good thing sometimes, but sometimes you have to trust your receivers to make plays, too. Reggie Brown, for example, made a play in the Redskins' game.

All right folks, Andy Reid is coming into his news conference, so I have to go. Enjoy your weekend and the game.