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The $24,000 Snap

How much Michael Vick made over the last two seasons.

If you're having trouble spending all of your Christmas bonus and find yourself with an extra $24,000 or so laying around, here's an idea: Pay Michael Vick to come over to your house ... bend over in front of him ... hike him a football ... and then write him a check. You do that, and all you've really done is imitate Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie.

Assuming he is indeed finished playing for the Eagles,'s Reuben Frank tells us that Vick will end up being paid $35,500,000 of the $100 million contract he signed in August 2011. Considering that he took 1,474 snaps since then, that comes to $24,084 a snap. That may be tipping money to people named Vick, Cataldi and Barkann, but it sounds more like college tuition to us.

It is also three times as much as Vick made per snap in his first two seasons with the Eagles ($7,930 for each of 867 plays, including playoffs).

Below are how Vick's numbers for his first two years in South Philly compare with his last two. We particularly like his total TDs to turnover difference (plus-24 in 2009-10; minus-1 in 2011-12) and his passing TD percentage (which dropped off by two whole percentage points since signing the megacontract).

And below that are what Vick was seemingly paid over both those periods for some of the things he did on the football field. (How does $3.5 million per win over the last two seasons grab you? Or the nearly $500,000 earned for the 77-yard passing TD to DeSean Jackson, at $6,492 a yard, earlier this season?)

You read on while we go break open my daughters' piggy banks ... Those property taxes aren't going to pay themselves.