Goal post from 1964 Catholic League title game
An approximately 24-inch piece of the goal post from the 1964 Catholic League championship game between Father Judge and St. James.
WHO: Ed Smith, Warwick Township
OCCUPATION: Teacher, Archbishop Wood High School
WHAT: A piece of the goal post from the 1964 Catholic League championship game between Father Judge and St. James.
CONDITION: Labeled with the score, some splintering at the end.
HOW IT WAS ACQUIRED: "I was a sophomore at Father Judge. The game was played at the old Philadelphia [Municipal] Stadium. The goal posts at the time were the old wooden ones, and down it came. I was among many of the kids that helped take it down. And I got a pretty big chunk of it, took it home and, I think at the time, I labeled it in black crayon — Father Judge 32, St. James 14. It ended up in my dad's closet. And when he eventually died, we were cleaning out things and there it was. So I have with it my collectibles in my rec [room], and people do come in and comment on it."
WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS WORTH? "I doubt if someone else has another piece. The goal posts got torn down, and I would say quite a few people got a piece of it, but that was 46 years ago. But I have no idea what it would be worth. Probably a cup of coffee. I don't think it's worth anything."
WHAT THE EXPERT SAYS: "Certainly unique piece with obvious local appeal. Pieces of goal posts from historic professional football games are actually seen on occasion and typically sell between $500-$1,000.
ESTIMATED VALUE: $200-$300, other than specific local interest.