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The Ultimate Fighter 19, episode 4 recap: Lima defeats Williams in stunning fashion; tensions rise between Van Buren and Fields

Episode four of The Ultimate Fighter began with Daniel Spohn of Team Penn explaining why his fight against Todd Monaghan of Team Edgar was so dull.

According to Spohn, there is a method to his madness. In his eyes, there's no need in over-extending yourself because it could risk injury. Spohn's plan is to save himself for the later rounds of the competition.

From there, we switched to Team Edgar, as the fighters talked about how much they want to get a win under the team's proverbial belt.

Unfortunately for Team Edgar, Pat Walsh experienced some more trouble with his back during a practice session. Walsh's injury concerned coach Frankie Edgar because he worries that if Team Penn gained the right to choose the next fight, it would choose to face an injured Walsh.

Speaking of Team Penn, coach B.J. Penn had full intentions on putting his team through a rigorous training session where he wanted to see the fighters puking.

After the intense training, the focus shifted to Millville, N.J. native Tim Williams, as he spoke about his troubled past as a youth, which included a bad car accident that left him with a permanent scar on his face.

Williams talked about how that car accident woke him up and was the motivation behind him turning his life around and walking the straight and narrow path. Williams also talked about his prior experience on The Ultimate Fighter. Williams was a fighter on season 17 of The Ultimate Fighter.

What brought Williams back to season 19, however, was his unmatched work ethic. In Williams' mind, giving up or submitting isn't even an option.

While Williams and his opponent Dhiego Lima were preparing for a sanctioned fight in the octagon, Matt "Gutter" Van Buren of Team Edgar and Chris Fields of Team Penn seemed on the verge of having their own fight in the house.

The issue between the two stemmed from Van Buren's constant trash talk and eagerness to fight. While some fighters just chalk it up to "Gutter being Gutter," Fields took issue with Van Buren's verbal barbs.

Before Van Buren and Fields could come to blows, the focus of the episode now honed in on Lima, who moved to the United States from Brazil when he was 11 years old.

Despite not knowing any English, Lima said that he was thrust right into middle school. The less-than-idea circumstance forced Lima to learn English at a rapid rate, which he did. According to Lima, he was having full conversations in English after only six months of being in the country.

Lima faces a tough task even until this day, as the father of three currently lives in the shadow of his brother Douglas, who is the reigning Bellator World Welterweight Champion.

After all of the hype and talk, it was finally time for the final weigh-in and then the fight. Both fighters weighed into the highly anticipated fight at 185 pounds.

During the weigh-in, Team Penn began doing the "Ole!" chants it started during the Cathal Pendred-Hector Urbina fight, which infuriated members of Team Edgar.

Team Penn had a reason to chant during the first round, as Williams dominated Lima on the ground. Unlike Spohn, when Williams got Lima to the ground, he immediately went to work and even caused a cut.

Lima withstood the onslaught and managed to make it to the next round, but expended a lot of energy in the process.

Despite being noticeably fatigued, Lima had clearly adjusted to Williams' attack and stuffed his takedown attempts. When the two stood up, Lima managed to land some quality shots on Williams.

Despite the turnaround, Lima was more than likely still behind in the fight. That was until Williams attempted yet another takedown, only to be stuffed by Lima, but this time Lima quickly gained Williams' back and locked in a rear naked choke. Lima's choke forced Williams to tap out to end the fight in stunning fashion.

When Williams submitted, Team Edgar jumped up and down for joy as if its favorite baseball team hit a walk-off home run, while the members of Team Penn sat in disbelief of what they just saw. It was a very good fight with an incredible finish.

Penn blamed himself for Williams' loss. According to Penn, Williams wasn't out of shape or had poor conditioning, he was just out of energy because of the rigorous training he put the team through leading up to the fight. Penn said that he will go lighter on the team moving forward.

Since Team Edgar finally won a fight, it got to choose the next match-up. Despite pleading from Van Buren, Edgar went with Corey Anderson to go up against Josh Clark.