2003 frozen hot dog from Veterans Stadium
A frozen hot dog preserved from the June 6, 2003, Phillies-Athletics game, the final year at Veterans Stadium.

WHO: Steve Dunne, Westminster, Md.
OCCUPATION: Social Security Administration
WHAT: A frozen hot dog preserved from the June 6, 2003, Phillies-Athletics game, the final year at Veterans Stadium.
CONDITION: In original tinfoil wrapping that is in state of gradual decomposition. The hot dog itself has severe freezer burns and shows some discoloring. Warning: DO NOT EAT.
HOW IT WAS ACQUIRED: "It was a Hatfield Dollar Dog Night and I went down to Veterans Stadium with my roommate, Matt Iacavone. I think we bought 12 hot dogs between us, and at the end of the night, I had one left over. I took it home, thinking I would be hungry later, and stuck it in the refrigerator. A week later, it was still in there and I thought, 'What am I going to do with this thing?' So I just put it in the freezer and labeled it so it would not be accidentally eaten or thrown out. I bring it out and show friends at parties. Some of the reactions are pretty comical."
WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS WORTH? "Probably nothing, though I did list it once on craigslist to see if I could get any takers. No one offered me anything. Of course, I would think it would have to be a one-of-a-kind item."
WHAT THE EXPERT SAYS: "This one is destined to be a classic. The care by the recipient displayed for the dog in question is nothing short of exemplary. In this case specifically the preservation of the bun was significant to its value and condition grade. These factors coupled with the obvious rarity of intact circa 2003 frankfurters all point to the potential for extraordinary value if placed before the proper interested collectors."
ESTIMATED VALUE: Impossible to quantify given the scarcity, but with amortization from its original one U.S. dollar cost, it could reach as high as $3.