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Athletes pay tribute to Mandela

In light of Nelson Mandela's death and the significance of social media today, people are taking to Twitter to express their condolences.

Mandela was known to be a fan of sports and was an amateur boxer in his younger years. He believed sports "had the power to change the world."

"It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers."

Athletes have been expressing their condolences since hearing of Mandela's death.

Nelson Mandela gone at age 95 today. #RIP #TrueWorldLeader
R.I.P Nelson Mandela
When the world gave #NelsonMandela their worst, he showed us all his best. A thousand years from now mankind will still revere him...
One of a greatest man ever have gone from us. Nelson Mandela is one of my hero. RIP Madiba ��
R.I.P. Mr Nelson Mandela everything you've done will never be forgotten.I pray that you send blessings down on the ones following your steps
Nelson Mandela has been an inspiration to millions. He changed a nation and the world. I hope everyone takes a moment to remember him. ��
Nelson Mandela, thank you for making the world a better place. R.I.P
The world has lost a great man, Nelson Mandela
Thankful to @NelsonMandela for having shown us so much wisdom and leadership. His legacy and example will always stay with us. RIP #Madiba
Just heard the news...RIP Nelson Mandela. He's an icon, an inspiration and a true leader and will be greatly missed #GoneButNeverForgotten
NBA Commissioner David Stern Statement Regarding The Passing Of Nelson Mandela:
Thank you, My. Lord, for giving us Nelson Mandela. Rest in eternal peace!
Nelson Mandela: Born July 18, 1918 in South Africa, died Dec. 5, 2013 at age 95. RIP to a man who changed history and our world.
"It always seems impossible until it is done." -Nelson Mandela