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Top Rentals

1. The Pursuit of Happyness ***1/2 (PG-13). 2. The Good Shepherd *** (R). 3. Blood Diamond **1/2 (R). 4. Happy Feet *** (PG).


The Pursuit of Happyness



2. The Good Shepherd *** (R).

3. Blood Diamond **1/2 (R).

4. Happy Feet *** (PG).

5. Children of Men ***1/2 (R).

6. The Holiday **1/2 (PG-13).

7. Charlotte's Web *** (G).

8. Casino Royale *** (PG-13).

9. Eragon **1/2 (PG).

*10. The Departed ***1/2 (R).

* New this week. Stars indicate Inquirer reviewers' ratings. From Video Business magazine 4/20/07 © 2007.