15 things to do with kids in Philly this week
Here are the best things to do with the kids this week.

📅 This calendar is updated every Monday with the best events for the week. You can always find it at inquirer.com/kidscalendar
When spring comes — really comes, like there’s no chance it’ll snow in the next few weeks — everything seems possible. You want your kid to play a new sport? Learn about American history? Watch a nature doc with a lesson on equity? Get their hands dirty, let loose on an amazing playground, and watch a circus act? Climb a silo? If there were only more hours in the day and days in the week — or weekend — you could do it all.
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Breaking Trail, The Discovery Center 🌲
(Film / in-person / free) Philly’s Outward Bound screens a documentary about the first woman and person of color to complete a winter thru-hike of Wisconsin’s 1,200-mile Ice Age Trail. Emily Ford made the trek with a sled dog named Diggins amid frigid temps, COVID spikes, and national turmoil. After the film is a discussion on diversity, equity, and the outdoors. Refreshments served. Ages 8+. (Free, Mar. 22, 7-8:30 p.m., 3401 Reservoir Dr., outwardboundphiladelphia.org)
Hellerick’s Family Farm Reopens, Doylestown 🌲
(Seasonal / in-person / multiday) For 228 years, the farm one hour’s drive up Broad Street from City Hall has raised crops. In more recent years, Hellerick’s has also raised agritainment-based fun with an obstacle course, ziplines, goat yoga, you-pick crops, party packages galore, and, new this season, a silo climbing wall. The farm is open on weekends only through Memorial Day. Ages 2+. (Prices vary, weekends only, Mar. 26-May 30, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., 5500 N. Easton Rd., Doylestown, hellericksfarm.com)
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Youth Soccer Day, FDR Park ⚽
(Sports / in-person / free) Future footballers gather at the Boathouse at FDR Park for kayak tours, meet-and-greets with Union players, balloon animal making, Frisbee throwing, face painting, snacking, DJ listening, and ball-kicking — all to encourage more kids to get into the world’s most popular sport. Registration requested. Ages 8-12. (Free, Mar. 26, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., 1500 Pattison Ave., myphillypark.org)
Seven Years’ War Day – A House Occupied, Pottsgrove Manor 📜
(History / in-person / free) John Potts’ 1752 Georgian Manor was untouched by the 1756 war between the Brits and the French over colonial land. Nonetheless, the historic site hosts Seven Years’ War reenactors who drill, show off uniforms and equipment, and answer questions, including about the indigenous people involved in the conflict. Ages 5+. (Free with suggested $2 donation, Mar. 26, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 100 W. King St., Pottstown, montcopa.org)
Play-A-Palooza, Smith Memorial Playground 🧸
(Seasonal / in-person) Everyone’s favorite Strawberry Mansion kid attraction celebrates the start of extended hours (as of Mar. 27 it’s open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.) with live dance, circus acts, music, food, nature play, and activities by the Academy of Natural Sciences, the Insectarium, Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Free Library’s Read by 4th. Ages 0-10. ($10 per child, free for adults adult and ACCESS cardholders, Mar. 26, noon-4 p.m., 3500 Reservoir Dr., smithplayground.org)
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Indoor Mini Golf at Linvilla Orchards ⛳
(Sports / in-person / ongoing) Media’s favorite agritainment center has reopened its environmental-educational putt-putt for the winter. Created years ago by the Academy of Natural Sciences, Linvilla’s 18 holes are dedicated to dinosaurs, butterflies, rainforests, and such. Timed tickets suggested. Ages 4-14. ($7-$8, through Mar. 27, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 137 W. Knowlton Rd., Media, linvilla.com)
Storytime and Family Saturdays in the Wintergarden, Dilworth Park 📖
(Books / multiday / free) The rink is gone, the fountains aren’t quite ready for splashing, but the garden is open to littles and their loved ones for midweek storytimes with the Free Library and hour-long family fun on Saturdays, which, this week, means bubble magic. Ages 3-5. (Free, Storytime: Tuesdays through March 29, 11 a.m.-noon; Family Saturdays from through April 2, 11 a.m.-noon, 1 S. 15th St.centercityphila.org)
Portside Family Art Night, Cherry Street Pier 🎨
(Art / in-person / free) Port Richmond’s Portside teaches drawing for adults, portfolio building for teens and Saturday workshops for kiddos weekly at Cherry Street Pier. On the first Friday of every month, the whole family can come by to collab on a project, a sort of nice tradition, right? Ages 3+. ($20 per family, Apr. 1, May 6, June 3, 6:30-8 p.m., 121 N. Columbus Blvd., cherrystreetpier.com)
Explore Archery, Callowhill Archery 🏹
(Archery / in-person / multiday) Archery’s comeback hits Callowhill in the form of an Olympic-style range where Wednesday and Thursday mean family sessions hosted by the venue, and Let’s Go Outdoors brings its own beginner instruction to archers ages 8 and up on select days this winter and spring. (Let’s Go Outdoors: Ages 8+, $150 for six lessons, through Apr. 2, 446 N. 12th St., letsgooutdoors.net; Callowhill Archery: Family session: $65 each, 446 N. 12th St., phillyarchery.com)
Invisible World of Water, Academy of Natural Sciences 🚰
(Science / in-person / multiday) Water up super close and from way far away, as interpreted by scientists, artists, and artist-scientists, give viewers new insight to the everyday magic of two-thirds of our earth and 60% of our bodies. ($20-$22 adults, $16-$18 children, free for members and under age 2, through Apr. 17, times vary, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy., ansp.org)
Peeps in the Village, Peddler’s Village 🐰
(Seasonal / in-person / multiday / free) They’re back, those loveable, Day-Glo marshmallow bunnies and rabbits, displayed gathering around dinner tables, in courtyard gardens, at rock concerts, or formed into blossoms, transforming Peddler’s Village into a creative, walk-through Easter basket. Ages 2+. (Free, through Apr. 24, 2400 State Rd., New Hope, peddlersvillage.com)
Rube Goldberg: The World of Hilarious Invention!, Please Touch Museum 🧸
(Museum / in-person / multiday) If your budding inventor is into marble runs, domino tricks, and the chain reactions that introduce most Dude Perfect episodes, they’ll surely enjoy a visit with drawings and wackily interactive contraptions inspired by cartoonist, engineer, and one-of-a-kind genius Rube Goldberg. Ages 2-12. ($19, $2 ACCESS cardholder, through May 8, 4231 Avenue of the Republic, pleasetouchmuseum.org)
Don’t Feed the Art: Woodmere’s Animal Menagerie, Woodmere Museum 🐳
(Art / in-person / multiday / free on limited days) Chestnut Hill’s stone mansion-turned-museum opens an exhibition of 85-plus Philly-made works of creatures great and small (tiny kingfishers, giant sperm whales) in both realistic and fantastical forms (a fish on a plate, a formal gorilla portrait). Kids go home with a free activity book, while supplies last. Ages 2+. (Free on Sundays, $10 adult, $7 ages 55 and up, $2 ACCESS cardholder, free student with id and child, through May 8, 9201 Germantown Ave., woodmereartmuseum.org)
At-Home Workshops with Maurice Williams, Mighty Writers ✏️
(Education / virtual / multiday / kid-friendly / free) Through dad jokes, real talk, and superb listening, Mr. Maurice connects with his students — and connects students to each other. Each workshop appeals to specific audiences: Black boys, young teens, future entrepreneurs, sports fans, home cooks and more. Workshops teach some writing and lots of life lessons. Ages 8+ (Free, Select dates, through May 28, mightywriters.org)
Harry Potter: The Exhibition, Franklin Institute 🪄
(Museum / in-person / multiday) The museum version of J.K. Rowling’s juggernaut lets visitors choose their Hogwarts houses, explore Gringotts, Hogwarts, and the Forbidden Forest — but not record video. Timed tickets are good for museum admission up to two hours early. Ages 5 and up. ($43 ages 12-64, $41 senior and military, $39 ages 3-11; free ages 2 & under, evening tickets: $30, through Sept. 18, 222 N. 20th St., harrypotterexhibition.com)
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