4 Seasons Food Court closes after 15 years
The quick-service eatery run by the Kim family across from Liberty Place had run its course, the son of the owners said.

Seasons change. Eateries come. Eateries go.
Feb. 1 was the finale of 4 Seasons Food Court, whose salad bar fed thousands over its 15-year run at 1614 Chestnut St. across from Liberty Place. Certainly not the fanciest place in Center City, but a daily destination nonetheless.
The reasons for the closing are simple, says James Kim, son of the owners. The lease was coming to its end, and his parents wanted to retire. He runs the family’s deli, 4 Seasons Food Market, at 236 S. 21st St.
Although it lacks Chestnut Street’s salad bar, he said, the 21st Street location will begin carrying some of the popular dishes from the now-closed store including the salmon.
The space at 1614 Chestnut St., next to Uniqlo, is being marketed.