Where to buy a fresh turkey for Thanksgiving in the Philadelphia region
With concerns about the supply chain this year, it’s a good idea to plan where you’ll get your turkey well in advance. Here are 12 farms near Philly where you can order a fresh bird.

There’s nothing wrong with a frozen Butterball — it’s economical, convenient, and has its own hotline. But fresh turkeys have some advantages, too. They’re generally less processed and arguably have juicier, more tender meat. And you won’t have a turkey defrosting in the fridge for a week.
Fresh birds are admittedly fussier, for both purveyors and customers. “That window is a short window,” says Dean Frankenfield, co-owner of Godshall’s Poultry, the epicenter of the Reading Terminal Market’s Thanksgiving crush.
To be truly fresh, the turkeys can be slaughtered only so far in advance, perhaps as late as the weekend before. That means they’re trucked to retailers early in the week, with customers picking them up as late as Thanksgiving eve.
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With concerns about the supply chain this year, it’s a good idea to plan where you’ll get your turkey well in advance.
Here are 12 markets and farms to purchase a fresh turkey and other Thanksgiving items as well. When you place your order, be sure to check what social-distancing measures are in place for pickup.
Order a fresh cut of whatever poultry item your heart desires at this full-service Reading Terminal stall. There’s boneless turkey thigh roasts for dark-meat lovers, bone-in breasts for those who prefer white meat, and whole smoked turkeys, too. Not to mention the capons, ducks, squab, and geese, should you want an alternative bird. Pro tip: The butchers here are happy to spatchcock your bird for you.
📍 51 N. 12th St., Philadelphia 📞 215-922-7589, 🌐 mercato.com/shop/godshalls-poultry, 🕑 Mon.-Sat 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
West Philly’s 50-year-old co-op sources its whole turkeys from Chester County’s Howe Turkey Farm (see below), as well as Mary’s Turkeys later in the year. Member-owners can pre-order turkeys for $2.99/lb. while turkeys will be $3.39/lb for everyone.discounted price, and pick up early before Thanksgiving. Pre-orders on pies from Whisked! will also be available this year.
📍 4824 Baltimore Ave., Philadelphia 📞 215-729-2121, 🌐 mariposa.coop/holiday, 📷 @mariposacoop, 🕑 Daily 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
Montgomery County
Bourbon reds and broad-breasted bronzes are the only turkeys raised on this woman-owned farm, which is also home to chickens, guinea hens, ducks, and rabbits. Their turkey stock is usually in limited supply, so order soon.
📍 620 Quarry Road, Harleysville, Pa., 📞 267-820-8525, 🌐 quarryhillfarm.net, 📷 @quarry_hill_farm, 🕑 Wed. noon-6 p.m., Thu.-Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
This Montco field-trip spot is known for its dairy products, but it also sells fresh, locally sourced birds come Thanksgiving. Order a whole turkey, from up to 32 pounds, or turkey breast, from six to 12 pounds, before Nov. 21; order from 20 varieties of pie by Nov. 23. And when you come to pick up, don’t forget to grab some ice cream on your way out.
📍 2222 S Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale, Pa., 📞 610-584-4410, 🌐 merrymead.com/fall-highlights, 📷 @merrymeadfarm, 🕑 Hours vary
» READ MORE: Joe Cicala's Apple Cider and Amaro-Brined Turkey
Delaware County
One of the first health-foods stores in the country, Martindale’s will stock a limited supply of fresh birds from Koch’s Farms for Thanksgiving. They’ve ordered a larger quantity of small birds this year, but to ensure you get the size you want, call early to earmark your turkey.
📍 1172 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, Pa., 📞 610-543-6811, 🌐 martindalesnutrition.com, 📷 @martindalesnaturalmarket 🕑 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Call this Delco destination soon to reserve your fresh turkey, which you can pick up as late as Thanksgiving morning. The farm sources its birds, ranging from 10 to 30 pounds, from a Chester County farm. Be sure to check out the wide selection of pies, too, including peach melba, chocolate shoofly, sweet potato crunch, and French apple.
📍137 W Knowlton Rd, Media, Pa., 📞610-876-7116, 🌐 linvilla.com, 📷 @linvillaorchards, 🕑 Hours vary.
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Bucks County
Pick up all your Thanksgiving dinner supplies (produce, pies, sides) at the storefront for this bustling family farm, which raises around 10,000 turkeys each year. Bolton turkeys range from 10 to 40 pounds and live their entire life — from hatching to processing — on the farm.
📍 1005 W. Main St., Silverdale, Pa., 📞 215-257-6047, 🌐 boltonfarmmarket.com, 📷 @boltonsfarm 🕑 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
The fresh whole turkeys and breasts sold at this long-running family farm come from Sensenig Turkey Farm in Lititz. Reserve a bird by mid-November for the best size selection, and remember to add sides (sage stuffing, mashed yams, maple-roasted Brussels sprouts) and pie to your curbside-pickup order.
📍 4458 York Rd., Buckingham, Pa., 📞 215-794-5201, 🌐 nonesuchfarm.com, 🕑 Wed.-Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Chester County
This turkey farm is all about family; check its Facebook page to see the Howe kids herding turkey poults inside the barn. Processing is taking place now, which means you can get a fresh bird (as small as 10 to 12 pounds or as big as 24 to 26) early, but you can also pick up Monday through Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
📍 152 Culbertson Run Rd., Downingtown, Pa., 📞 610-384-5508, 🌐 howeturkeyfarm.com, 📷 @thehowefamilyfarm 🕑 Wed.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Kimberton’s six area locations, stretching from Downingtown to Ottsville, source fresh, organic birds from Koch’s Turkey Farm. Pick up your bird as early as the Monday before Thanksgiving, and be sure to add Kimberton-made sides, as well as a variety of Frecon Farms pies to your order. You can pre-order your turkey online or in-store as early as October 28. In-store stock is limited this year, so it is highly recommended that you pre-order sooner than later.
📍 Multiple locations, 🌐 kimbertonwholefoods.com, 📷 @kimbertonwholefoods, 🕑 Hours vary by location.
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New Jersey
Free-range white and heritage-breed turkeys are both available from this 65-acre farm, as are jumbo quails, capons, pheasants, geese, and Muscovy ducks. The turkeys come plain, brined for 24 hours, or oven-ready (brined and seasoned). Don’t miss the soups, gravies, and pies. Philadelphians can pick up orders at the Head House Square farmers market on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
📍 484 Bunker Hill Rd., Princeton, N.J., 📞 908-359-5218, 🌐 griggstownfarm.com, 📷 @griggstownfarm484, 🕑 Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. noon-5 p.m.
This 36-year-old shop is a destination for its dry-aged beef, but it has plenty of poultry for turkey day, too, including fresh farm-raised turkeys, boneless and bone-in turkey breast, fresh duck, capons, and even turducken. Order sides by the pan (mac and cheese, sautéed spinach and mushrooms) or the container (stuffing, cranberry relish, turkey demi-glace).
📍 219 Berlin Rd., Cherry Hill, N.J., 📞 856-428-0045, 🌐 arniesgourmet.com, 📷 @arnies_gourmet_, 🕑 Tue.-Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
This article has been updated since it first published.
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