Despite the coronavirus, Easter Bunny to hop through towns in the Philly suburbs, at a safe distance
The Jenkintown Police Department said it’s received word that the big guy will be hopping by the borough on Saturday to scout out the area before his Sunday deliveries. “Social distancing will be in effect. The bunny is a very busy guy and can't afford to get sick."

The coronavirus will not stop the Easter Bunny, at least in the Philly suburbs, where the big guy is planning a parade that allows for both social distancing and holiday cheer.
The Jenkintown Police Department said it’s received word that the bunny will be hopping by the borough on Saturday and will do an 11 a.m. ride-along with officers to scout out the area before his Sunday candy deliveries.
“Social distancing will be in effect,” the Montgomery County department said in a Facebook post. “The bunny is a very busy guy and can’t afford to get sick.”
The department asked families to leave children’s Easter baskets on the curb outside their homes. When the bunny passes through, "we will leave a treat, a wave, and a smile for the little ones,” it said, adding the parade will be complete with sirens and maybe even some festive songs.
In Delaware County, Newtown Township made a special “eggs-emption” on Thursday to allow for the Easter Bunny to work this weekend despite the coronavirus shutdown.
Newtown Township authorized the Easter Bunny “to travel freely into, and throughout” the area for “the essential service of egg delivery.”
Easter is set to look different this year due to the pandemic. Masses have been canceled and health officials strongly discourage gatherings as the region tries to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
But communities have found creative, safe ways to keep spirits up.
Though malls and Easter displays are closed, some local bunnies are doing virtual visits and drive-by neighborhood parades to bring a bit of joy and normalcy to young families.
» READ MORE: With malls closed, the Easter Bunny finds a way
Meanwhile in New Zealand, where residents are also staying at home for at least a month, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told children that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are among the essential workers during this crisis, though it may be “difficult for the bunny to get everywhere” this year.