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Flag seen flying at Jan. 6 insurrection reportedly spotted at Justice Alito’s LBI vacation home

An “Appeal to Heaven” flag was spotted at Justice Samuel Alito’s Long Beach Island home in July and September last year, according to the New York Times.

A controversial flag flown by rioters at the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was reportedly displayed at the New Jersey beach vacation home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.

An “Appeal to Heaven” flag was spotted at Alito’s Long Beach Island residence in July and September last year, according to the New York Times. The banner, also referred to as the “Pine Tree flag,” was photographed at the house on four occasions during those months, and it appears on a Google Street View capture of the home from August, the Times reported.

Considered a symbol showing support for former President Donald Trump, the flag shows a green pine tree with the phrase “An Appeal to Heaven” emblazoned over top of it. Though it has roots going back to the Revolutionary War, the “Appeal to Heaven” flag today is often associated with a religious contingent of the “Stop the Steal” campaign, the Times reported.

The flag is the second Jan. 6-related banner to be seen flying at an Alito-owned property. Last week, the Times reported that an inverted American flag had been spotted at Alito’s home in Virginia in 2021. That flag, Alito told the Times, was hung by his wife following a dispute with a neighbor.

Alito has not publicly addressed the Times report on the “Appeal to Heaven” flag seen at his New Jersey property, which the newspaper said he has owned since 2014.

The “Appeal to Heaven” phrase itself is a “paraphrase for trial by arms,” Princeton University historian Anthony Grafton told the Times. Dating to the 17th century, the phrase was popularized by philosopher John Locke.

“The main point is that there’s no appeal, there’s no one else you can ask for help or a judgment,” Grafton said.

Ethicists interviewed by the Times said the flag being flown at Alito’s home is concerning, as it may further associate him with symbols utilized during the Jan. 6 insurrection. Additionally, the period during which the “Appeal to Heaven” flag was spotted coincides with the time when the Supreme Court began hearing a case focused on whether people who participated in the insurrection should face obstruction charges.

That case is pending before the Supreme Court, as is another case that would decide whether Trump is immune from election subversion charges.

A number of Republican members of Congress and state leaders have also displayed the flag recently, including Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Times reported. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) also faced criticism for his use of the flag, telling CNN on Wednesday that “it’s George Washington’s flag” and that it has “nothing to do” with “Stop the Steal” protests.

While the “Appeal to Heaven” flag was spotted at Alito’s New Jersey home last year, the Times reports that it was unclear how long it had been displayed.