Old City's Gaslight hits reset button, coming back
Water damage is being repaired and a new chef is on board.
Things just hadn't been totally up to snuff at The Gaslight at 120 Market St. in Old City.
Popular, yes, but at least one tepid review did not sit well with chef Jason Cichonski and partners.
Then came 2 a.m. Feb. 28, when pipes in the apartments upstairs froze and then burst, showering the kitchen and dining room with plenty of water. The restaurant closed.
Cichonski has taken March to hit the reset button. After repairs, The Gaslight should reopen the week of March 30.
Also new will be the chef. Jordan "Red" Sauter, who was chef for a spell at The Gaslight's predecessor, Philadelphia Bar and Restaurant. He also has worked at Modo Mio, Braddock's Tavern and Rembrandt's.
In his last gig, Sauter was a kitchen supervisor for Whole Foods Market, which gave him better hours for his family life.