Gloria Allred, a Girls High grad, warns that things won’t go well for Kavanaugh’s accuser | Jenice Armstrong
The attorney predicts "political theater" when a female accuser testifies on Thursday against the Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh.
Lawyer Gloria Allred, a shero of the #MeToo Movement, literally danced on the eve of Bill Cosby's sentencing.
I had never seen this side of Allred, and I watched in amazement Sunday afternoon as she moved her hips back and forth and pumped her arms overhead. She was in good company, as members of the Walnut Club, a local professional women's networking group, followed her lead. It was a lovefest at Le Méridien Philadelphia, 1421 Arch St.
Too many women still aren't being heard and their stories not believed, so it felt empowering to be in the company of accomplished women applauding such a fierce advocate for women and minorities. Black women. White women. Republicans and Democrats. It was as if we'd closed ranks over our mimosas. Divisiveness was on hold as we applauded a Philly homegirl who graduated from Girls High and went on to become one of the nation's best lawyers.
"Mr. Cosby should not be treated differently because he is a celebrity," Allred told reporters while club members dined on chicken. "Judgment Day has finally arrived for this convicted sexual predator, who betrayed the trust of so many women. It's time for him to face the consequences of his criminal acts and stop denying what a unanimous jury found after a careful and thoughtful deliberation."
In April, the once-beloved comedian was convicted of three counts of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his Cheltenham home in 2004. Since then, dozens more women have made similar claims against Cosby.
I asked Allred what she made of Cosby's sentencing happening at a time when America is waiting to hear from Christine Blasey Ford, the 51-year-old professor who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a party when they were teens. She is scheduled to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Allred said she didn't know the details of Ford's allegations but predicted that it won't go well for her when she testifies in Washington.
"This is a panel of senators, the majority of whom are Republicans, many of whom have indicated they have made up their mind," Allred said. "I call it, 'I've made up my mind. Don't confuse me with the facts.'"
She pointed out that a mostly male Senate Judiciary Committee will sit in judgment as Ford testifies about having been at a party when a reportedly drunk Kavanaugh allegedly forced Ford onto a bed, groped her, and put his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream.
"This is not a court of law," Allred added. "This is going to be political theater on Thursday."
"There is no burden-of-proof requirement like in the Cosby criminal trial, where the jury had to find beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Cosby was guilty of the crime," she continued. "There's not even a preponderance-of-evidence standard, which is the lowest standard of evidence. It's whatever they want. This is a railroading of Dr. Ford."
Last week, President Trump questioned why Ford hadn't contacted law enforcement back when this allegedly happened, conveniently omitting the fact that Ford was just 15 at the time. Allred slammed him for that.
"Really? How many 15-year-olds report? Most don't," she said. "That's absurd. It just shows his ignorance or his callousness, insensitivity to those who allege they were sexually assaulted as teenagers.
Her advice to Ford when she testifies on Thursday?
"Don't be intimidated."
That's easier said than done, but I'll be rooting for Ford. A lot of us will.