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New Honey's Sit N Eat: The nuts and bolts

The new location at 21st and South uses furnishings from an old hardware store.

Jeb Woody and Ellen Mogell went the kitschy route (as in old kitchens) to furnish their homey Honey's Sit N Eat, now a landmark diner/bruncherie in Northern Liberties.

Eight years later, for their second location, at 21st and South Streets, their design is more - shall we say - nuts and bolts. The couple bought some of the fixtures and inventory from the long-gone Schwemer's Hardware on Girard Avenue near Sixth Street, which enjoyed a run of a century or so from its founding in 1875.

"It's a treasure trove and a sociological study," Woody says. They've come across the store's catalogs as well as the same merchandise offered within - some of it unused. (A 1947 oven, pristine, will be a servers' station.) Since many of the items were made in Philadelphia - as you can see from the addresses included in the old catalogs - this collection carries historic importance. Old paint signs hang over the dining room.

With this location, Honey's is also branching into catering.