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Want Marc Vetri to cook for you? Pony up 50 grand

Marc Vetri shapes the food at his restaurants Vetri, Amis, Osteria, and Alla Spina, but if you want to taste his work at the stove, you have to contribute to his foundation, which helps children - particularly in the realm of school lunches.

He's put out the offer in his charity newsletter that a $50,000 donation will get you a dinner scheduled at a "mutually convenient time at a location within the 48 contiguous states. Food, basic wine parings, chef travel and accommodations are included as a thank you for your donation. Our sommelier is available to consult with you if you'd prefer to pair selections from your personal wine collection."

Don't expect a huge write-off for this; the solicitation says the fair-market value is $5,000.

See it here.