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Pipe bomb investigation: Robert DeNiro, Joe Biden latest targets

Authorities are on the lookout for more mail bombs.

Local and federal authorities remove a suspicious package found at a US postal facility on Lancaster Avenue in Wilmington, Del. Addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden Thursday October 25, 2018.
Local and federal authorities remove a suspicious package found at a US postal facility on Lancaster Avenue in Wilmington, Del. Addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden Thursday October 25, 2018.Read moreDAVID SWANSON / Staff Photographer

Officials have intercepted glass-filled pipe bombs that were mailed to former President Barack Obama, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and other public figures who have been targets of criticism by President Trump. While the investigation into those devices is underway, authorities are on the lookout for more bombs. Here's the latest of what we know.

• A total of 10 packages have now been discovered.

• Thursday morning, law enforcement officials found two suspicious packages addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden — one at the U.S. Postal Service sorting center in New Castle, Del., and another at a post office in Wilmington. It appears one of the packages addressed to Biden, who lives in Delaware, had postage due.

• The New York City police bomb squad removed a suspicious package delivered to the Tribeca production company owned by actor Robert DeNiro, who has been a sharp critic of Trump.

The FBI confirmed that the packages addressed to Biden and DeNiro were similar in appearance to suspicious packages sent to other top Democrats and Trump critics over the past two days.

• Officials told NBC News they are investigating whether the packages were mailed from Florida. The return address on the envelopes is Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Florida office. Officials say the lawmaker is not involved in the mailings.

• Officials also said the devices were poorly made, but added that it's unclear if that was intentional, or if they were just constructed poorly.

• The New York Times reports that security personnel at DeNiro's production company called police  about a suspicious package and the bomb squad detected an explosive  device much like the others that have been intercepted after X-raying the envelope, which also matched others that had contained pipe bombs.

• The FBI tweeted out a photo of one of the envelopes with an appeal for tips.

• In addition to Biden and DeNiro, other confirmed targets of the devices so far are:

– Former President Obama's home in Washington, D.C.
– Hillary Clinton's home in Westchester County, N.Y.
– Former CIA director John Brennan (sent to CNN's New York office)
– Former attorney general Eric Holder (mailed to the wrong address and returned to Schultz's office)
– Two addressed to California Rep. Maxine Waters (intercepted by Capitol Hill police)
– Billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who is known to support liberal causes.

• Officials say the packages and devices recovered so far are similar.

• Former President Jimmy Carter has been warned by law enforcement he could be a potential target, his spokeswoman told ABC News.

• Several media allies of President Trump, including Fox Business host Lou Dobbs and syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh, have peddled baseless conspiracy theories about the packages.

• At a rally in Wisconsin Wednesday night, Trump, acknowledging he was adopting a softer tone, decried the threat of political violence while at  the same time calling on the media to end its "hostility." In a tweet Thursday morning, Trump again blamed the media for fomenting anger.

Brennan, one of the targeted recipients of a pipe-bomb, fired back at Trump's tweet with one of his own, saying the president's critics would not be "intimidated into silence."