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Memorial Day pictures of Decoration ceremony at Laurel Hill Cemetery

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Historic Laurel Hill Cemetery observes traditional Decoration Day on Memorial Day weekend.

A color guard made up of members of various local Civil War reenactment units marches between ceremonies at the cemetery.
A color guard made up of members of various local Civil War reenactment units marches between ceremonies at the cemetery.Read moreTom Gralish / Staff Photographer

The historic cemetery was the site of the first observance of Decoration Day in Philadelphia, in 1868, paying tribute to those who lost their lives in the Civil War. What is now known as Memorial Day became a national holiday in 1971. The re-creation Sunday, May 26, 2024 is an annual tradition of the Gen. Meade Post No. 1 Grand Army of the Republic and included a wreath-laying ceremony, speeches and honor guard.
