Ravens and crows, both of the Corvus genus, are often associated with bad omens thanks to Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven.”
But they are intelligent creatures. A 2020 study, published in the journal Nature, found young ravens, as early as four months old, already have full-blown sophisticated physical and social cognitive skills similar to that of adult great apes.
That’s it for words this week.
For more photos, try these links to galleries this week on Indigenous Peoples Day at Bartram’s Garden; RFK Jr. launching his campaign for president on Independence Mall (not as a Democrat, but as a third-party independent); and yesterday’s 37th annual AIDS Walk Philly.
Since 1998, a black-and-white photo has appeared every Monday in staff photographer Tom Gralish’s “Scene Through the Lens” photo column in The Inquirer’s local news section. Here are the most recent, in color: