Political Cartoon: Pool party GOP convention
Daily takes from Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Signe Wilkinson.

Nothing would get me into one of the packed pool parties that took place last weekend in places like Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks. Had I ventured in, the mere sight of my geezer self may have cleared the place out, thus improving the state’s public health. I would thus have saved all the wet revelers the scolding the party-hearty mob received from Missouri’s state health director and the denunciations from many online commenters, many of whom are getting a little cranky from not being able to get out to their own waterside social functions.
Since the Missouri party-goers were clearly thumbing their noses at the stay-inside scolds and echoing Donald Trump’s break-the-lockdown orders, The Lake of the Ozarks would be a perfect spiritual home for the president to hold his Coronation Convention later this summer, even though the North Carolina governor is trying to keep it in Charlotte.
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