Political Cartoon: Name that University of Pennsylvania Law School!
Daily takes from Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Signe Wilkinson.

Last month I spoke with a group of terrific University of Pennsylvania students in one of the school’s many Rich Person Buildings. This one was named after Jon M. Huntsman, a 1987 Penn graduate, who has had a distinguished career as Governor of Utah, Ambassador to China, and candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. I wish he’d run again in 2016.
In any case, Penn is currently under fire for renaming its law school after a really generous alumni who donated $125 million to his alma mater, where tuition is currently about $65,000 a year. Defenders of the naming practice say that such generous gifts help all the school’s students, no matter their income. That would be nice except that the median family income of a Penn student is $195,500, according to a recent survey that also notes only 3.3% of the students come from families in the bottom 20% of family income. A greater percentage, 3.6%, come from families in the top 0.1%. Penn is a great school. I wish its fine education reached a broader group of young people.
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