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Philly Live!? No, Xfinity Live!

Comcast assumes the naming rights to the entertainment complex coming to the old Spectrum site.

Comcast and its NBC brand will be amply represented at the new Xfinity Live! sports/entertainment complex on the former site of the Spectrum in South Philadelphia.

So will local restaurants, including Victory Brewing Co., Original Philadelphia Cheesesteak Co., Chickie's & Pete's, and Nick's Roast Beef.

The project, whose working name was Philly Live, has the backing of the hometown cable giant.

Cordish Cos., the developer, and Comcast-Spectacor, the operator, view the project as a "fourth stadium experience," complementing neighbors Wells Fargo Center, Citizens Bank Park, and Lincoln Financial Field.

  Announced moments ago:

  1. An Xfinity On Demand Theater, an outdoor viewing experience that will feature everything from sports games to family movies.

  2. The NBC Sports Arena, featuring an indoor 32-foot diagonal, 6 mm, million-dollar Sony LED screen

  3. The NBC Sports Field, which will play host to numerous outdoor activities and sports leagues

  4. NBC Sports Fantasy Board with stats

  5. NBC Sports Game Experience, in the Broad Street Bullies Pub, featuring video games

  6. A 100-foot LED Comcast SportsNet Ticker inside a venue called the Philly MarketPlace, a gathering place with food vendors including the Original Philadelphia Cheesesteak Co., Chickie's & Pete's, and Nick's Roast Beef; more will be announced.

    Other dining options:

  7. Spectrum Grille, an upscale restaurant

  8. Broad Street Bullies Pub

  9. PBR Bar & Grill, a country-western themer based on Professional Bull Riders; Tex-Mex cuisine served during the day and a country & southern rock party at night (featuring a mechanical bull)

  10. Victory Beer Hall, featuring beer hall-style tables, a stage for live indoor entertainment, and a 2,000 square-foot patio complete with a fire pit and a unique panoramic view of the Philadelphia skyline.

  11. And free parking on nonevent nights!

Grand opening: April 5.

Stay tuned for more...