Scenes of summer II | Scene Through the Lens
Some favorites from Memorial to Labor Day

I try to keep photos in this space politically neutral, so to make the image above I waited patiently (inside the air-conditioned brew pub) as the line of supporters entering a rally moved along, until a moment when there was no signage visible. Then I got lucky. Just when that happened the campaign’s photographer stepped into my frame. I moved a little to one side to frame him as well, between the muntins of the window.
For that day’s news coverage of the rally, I did include plenty of political signs.
The week before, I not only used political signage, but a similar photograph-through-the-window approach for a story on how voting might go this November in majority-Latino small Pennsylvania cities.
Last week I said I was sharing recent photos by my colleagues instead of showing you my retreads.
As summer unofficially ends this weekend, I’m rolling that comment back. With a day off for the holiday I am indeed recycling. Here are a dozen of my photos that weren’t seen by many readers in the weeks between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Since 1998, a black-and-white photo has appeared every Monday in staff photographer Tom Gralish’s “Scene Through the Lens” photo column in The Inquirer’s local news section. Here are the most recent, in color: