When will America reopen? 10 cartoons on the latest phase of the coronavirus pandemic | Opinion
The debate over coronavirus reopening the economy through the eyes of political cartoonists.

Weeks into coronavirus-related shutdowns, officials all over the country are debating when and how to ease social distancing measures. President Donald Trump, who originally wanted to see restrictions lifted before Easter, continues to push for businesses to open while proclaiming that he has “total authority” over the decision. (That’s false.) His mantra is that ‘the cure can’t be worse than the disease’ and that the damage inflicted on the economy is worse than the public health damage inflicted by coronavirus. An argument that flies against the advice of public health experts — including from inside Trump’s own administration — and historical examples.
Taking a more responsible approach, governors on both coasts and in the Midwest have agreed to ease restrictions together, regionally, though no timeline has been outlined yet.
Political cartoonists have been capturing the debate over coronavirus and reopening the economy in their work.