Star Wars cartoon: Baby Yoda and ‘The Rise of Skywalker’
At this point, Baby Yoda should be thrilled about being on Disney+ and not in theaters.

At least we still have Baby Yoda.
At this point, the internet is awash in enough hot takes about the marvelously mediocre Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker that I don’t feel compelled to ramble on here. Suffice it to say the film felt like a collection of random ideas taken from a group of fans at a Star Wars convention, with a couple of Reddit suggestions sprinkled in. I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t upset. I was just... bored.
I didn’t always feel this way. In fact, back in 2014, fully jaded by the terrible Star Wars prequels, I was won over completely by the first teaser trailer for The Force Awakens. After watching the roughly one-minute clip a dozen times, I dashed off to the drawing board and knocked out a cartoon that went so viral it eventually ended up in front of director J.J. Abrams, who actually purchased the original pen and ink drawing (and sent my son Luke a lovely embroidered blanket).
Sadly, none of the five Disney-produced Star Wars movies have lived up to the hype (though now I know the origin of Han Solo’s name, for some reason). I’m jaded once again, a cynical adult thankful I won’t have to see another disappointing Star Wars movie in the theater until at least 2022. But I’d happily empty my Fandango account if Disney decides to release the unadorned original trilogy back in theaters, complete with Han shooting first and no Return of the Jedi dance number.
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