These are the current Pennsylvania coronavirus guidelines
We’ve broken down Pennsylvania's reopening info to give you an overview of what’s allowed across the state.

Restaurants, bowling alleys, museums, and barbershops are now up and running again in parts of Pennsylvania. However, the risk of the coronavirus remains and the administration encourages all residents to limit unnecessary travel and gatherings and to stay at home.
We’ve broken down the guidelines to give you an overview of what’s allowed across the state, but note, some counties, including Philadelphia and Allegheny, also have their own rules.
Experts advise continued caution, and guidelines are expected to evolve. Check back for updates, and for the latest information, COVID-19 case numbers, and full details on rules and regulations, visit
👉 Looking for Philadelphia? Click here
👉 Looking for New Jersey? Click here
What are the COVID-19 restrictions in Pennsylvania?
General Guidelines
😷 Wearing a mask is required in public; all staff at businesses must wear masks.
↔️ You practice social distancing (6+ feet) with those outside of your household.
🏢 Most business can operate at 75% of their maximum occupancy (see exceptions below).
🏠 Teleworking, or remote work, is still encouraged when possible.
👥 When planning a gathering or event, you’re urged to evaluate if you really must meet in-person.
Traveling to and from Pennsylvania
🚙 ✈️ Anyone who visits from another state or country needs to have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to entering the commonwealth.
🏠 🕒 If someone can’t get a test or chooses not to, they must quarantine for 10 days immediately after arrival.
🚙 🏠 🕒 Residents visiting other states are required to have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to returning to Pennsylvania or must quarantine for 10 days immediately after returning.
💼 🏥 This doesn’t apply to people who commute to and from another state for work or medical treatment.
Indoor events and gatherings
🎉 + 🏠 Indoor gatherings and events of more than 10 people are prohibited.
Outdoor events and gatherings
🎉 + 🌳 Outdoor events of more than 50 people are prohibited.
🍽 +🏠 Dining (indoor): 50% capacity (25% capacity for restaurants that haven’t completed a self-certification process confirming that they’re following all required public health and safety measures.)
🍽 +🏠 + 🍻 Seating at the bar is not allowed.
🍽 + 🌳 Dining (outdoor): Must stay within fire code maximum capacity; when no fire code capacity is published or available, maximum capacity of 25 people per 1,000 square feet.
🍽 +🌳 + 🌤 Outdoor dining must be carried out in a space that’s open on at least two sides. Tents are allowed when open on two sides, but enclosed tents are considered indoor spaces.
🍽 +🚚 Food trucks: Food trucks are allowed, but they may not attend a festival or gathering that has exceeded maximum occupancy.
🍽 +🍹 + 🏠 + 🌳 + 🚚 Alcohol can only be served to you when dining at a restaurant if you order food, and food trucks can’t sell alcohol unless accompanied by a meal. Alcohol can’t be sold after 11 p.m. (and drinks must be consumed by midnight), excluding the sale of alcohol for take-out if a liquor license allows it.
Shopping malls and retail
🛍 50% capacity
Sports (school sports, youth and adult recreational sports, and professional sports)
🏀 + 😷 All individuals at the venue, including athletes, coaching and athletic staff, spectators, media, cheerleaders, and musicians, must wear masks and practice social distancing. Athletes are not required to wear masks while actively engaged in workouts and competition that prevent the wearing of masks, but must keep them on when on the sidelines, in the dugout, etc., and anytime social distancing isn’t possible.
👥 + 🌳 + 🏠 Capacity limits are the same as those for events and gatherings (see rules above).
🏅 School sports must also follow district rules or local health department restrictions. Professional sports teams must also comply with league or local health department restrictions.
🚗 🍔 Tailgating is strongly discouraged.
Gyms and fitness facilities
🏋🏾 50% capacity
🗓 Appointments are recommended and fitness facilities are advised to prioritize outdoor activities.
Health and wellness (spas, barbershops, hair and nail salons, saunas, tattoo parlors, massage therapists, and other personal care service businesses)
✂️ 50% capacity.
📋 Full guidelines for salons and cosmetology and full guidelines for barbershops
Entertainment (theaters, zoos, museums, concerts, historical sites, amusement parks, bowling alleys, and other group venues)
🖼 🎶🦒 50% capacity.
🕺🏽💃🏿 This excludes nightclubs, which are not allowed to be open.
Drive-in movies
🚘 + 🌳 + 😷 The drive-in complex or event organizers must post and enforce rules about social distancing and mask wearing when outside of the car and encourage people to stay in their cars.
Religious institutions
🛐 There are no restrictions at religious institutions, but everyone is encouraged to follow mask wearing, physical distancing, and other general health and safety measures. Virtual celebrations are strongly encouraged if possible.
🎰 50% capacity
🍤🍹 25% capacity for indoor dining if the establishment has not self-certified (see “dining” above); any events held on casino grounds must follow the gathering and event size limitations (see “events and gatherings” above); alcohol can only be served when food is purchased, and drink service on the casino floor is prohibited.
Weddings, funerals, and memorial services
👥 + 🌳 + 🏠 Capacity limits are the same as those for events and gatherings (see rules above).
🕺🏻⚠️ Dance floors are not encouraged at weddings.
Polling places
🗳️ There are no restrictions at polling places, but everyone is encouraged to follow mask-wearing, physical distancing, and other general health and safety measures.