Joe Biden will get a big union endorsement ahead of his Philly visit on Saturday
The vote of the general board which represents 12.5 million members and 55 affiliated unions is slated to happen Friday on a Zoom call.

The AFL-CIO will endorse President Joe Biden ahead of his rally with union members in Philadelphia on Saturday, according to two sources familiar with the plan.
The vote of the general board, which represents 12.5 million members and 60 affiliated unions, is slated to happen Friday on a Zoom call.
Biden will speak to union members at the Convention Center on Saturday, marking the first political event of his presidential reelection campaign.
The endorsement isn’t a surprise — the union also backed Biden’s 2020 presidential bid — but it comes about a year earlier than the vote last time. It’s the earliest the nation’s largest labor organization has weighed in during a presidential cycle.
Biden has frequently highlighted his ties to and support for labor unions, and has said a number of times that he intends to be “the most pro-union president” in history.
Working-class voters were a key part of his narrow win in Pennsylvania in 2020.