Where to pick your own strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and other produce near Philadelphia
The Philly area has tons of local farms and orchards that have fields brimming with berries and produce throughout the season. Here's where you can pick your own.

Just as apples announce that fall is here, few things signal the start of summer like pick-your-own berries. Sure, you could grab a pint of your favorites at the market, but nothing beats a berry fresh from the field.
From New Jersey to Lancaster County and beyond, we’ve got tons of farms and orchards brimming with pick-you-own produce throughout the summer.
And you don’t have to stop with berries. Many places have started or are about to start pick-your-own flowers, summer squash, lettuces, sweet corn, and more.
As with anything agricultural, seasonal start times are not exact, and what’s available can depend on the week, the weather, and overall picking conditions. If you’re looking for something specific, call ahead to your destination or check its website first.
Also call ahead to check a farm’s operating hours during severe weather conditions, like extreme heat. Some places may close for the day or have reduced hours. When you do go, remember to dress comfortably, apply sunscreen, and drink plenty of water.
So, where can you go around here to pick some produce? Here are some options in the region, in order from closest to furthest from Philly:
If you just want something flowery to pick, this Plymouth Meeting farm is your spot. Since 1916, Maple Acres has been known for its pick-your-own zinnias. Check in at the market before picking.
📍2656 Narcissa Road, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462, 📞 610-828-7395, 🌐 mapleacresfarmmarket.com, 📷 @mapleacresfarmmarket, 🕑 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
You can buy timed tickets online for this New Jersey farm. Hayrides are $6 on weekdays and $8 on Saturday and Sunday. From mid-June through July, blueberries are available for picking; other summer crops include sweet corn, peaches, and string beans. And if you and the kids are all picked out, check out the farm’s Discovery Barnyard for fun activities like go-carts, climbing rocks, and splash pads.
📍 133 Church Road, Medford, N.J., 08055, 📞 609-654-8643, 🌐 johnsonsfarm.com, 📷 @johnsonscornerfarm, 🕑 Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
You mostly hear about this Delco spot in the fall because of its apple orchards, but it also offers great produce for picking during the summer. Get blueberries, tart cherries, yellow peaches, and sunflowers, plus more in the days and weeks to come. Purchase timed tickets online for $11 ($13 for walk-ups).
📍 137 W. Knowlton Road, Media, Pa., 19063, 📞 610-876-7116, 🌐 linvilla.com, 📷 @LinvillaOrchards, 🕑 Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Just down the road from Linvilla, Indian Orchards Farm is also a great place for berry picking. Running for more than 100 years, this 35-acre site offers raspberries and blackberries in midsummer, and peaches and apples in late summer. Entrance to the fields is $3.50 per person, plus the cost of whatever you pick; no reservations needed.
📍 29 Copes Lane, Media, Pa., 19063, 📞 610-564-0794, 🌐 indianorchardsfarm.com, 🕑 Sunday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Since 2001, this Bucks County orchard has offered a robust pick-your-own program that includes peaches, apples, gourds, tomatoes, and more. No reservations are required, and you can grab a hayride while you’re there. The farm opens in late June or early July.
📍1121 Woodbourne Road, Langhorne, Pa., 19047, 📞 215-702-9633 🌐 styerorchard.com 📷 @styerorchard
This Bucks County farm’s summer picking season typically runs from May through September, when you’ll be able to find strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, herbs, and veggies, depending on when you go. Pick-you-own offerings are priced by container. Picking passes are $7.
📍 931 Stony Hill Road, Yardley, Pa., 19067, 📞 215-968-1670, 🌐 shadybrookfarm.com, 📷 @shadybrookfarm, 🕑 Sunday to Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Reservations are required to pick flowers and berries at this Bucks County farm, but the (small) effort is worth it. The farm kick things off in June with raspberries and blackberries for $8.99 per pound. There’s plenty of other things to do, too, such as its Aerial Adventure Park, family-focused Adventure Farm, kid-friendly obstacle course, and, on weekends, goat yoga.
📍 5500 N. Easton Road, Doylestown, Pa., 18902, 📞 215-766-8388, 🌐 hellericksfarm.com, 📷 @hellericksfarm, 🕑 Hours vary
Hammonton is known for its blueberries, so it only makes sense to visit this 108-year-old farm and nursery for the freshest around. You’ll find shaded picnic table areas around, perfect for a picnic before or after your picking. Call to schedule — reservations are required here. Be sure to bring cash for your $2.50 pints; no credit or debit cards accepted.
📍3101 Nesco Road, Hammonton, N.J., 08037, 📞 609-561-5905, 🌐dimeofarms.com, 📷 @dimeofarms, 🕑 Sunday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (during June, July, and August)
Head to Princeton for Jersey-fresh produce from this over 200-acre farm. Among the 40-some crops grown here are cherries (mid-June for sweet, late June for tart), blueberries (late June to late July), and blackberries (July to August). Plus, if you’re all picked out, you can always hit its excellent Farm Store for a less labor-intensive treat. The farm is cashless.
📍 330 Cold Soil Road, Princeton, N.J., 08540, 📞 609-924-2310, 🌐 terhuneorchards.com, 📷 @terhuneorchards, 🕑 Monday and Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Like Linvilla, Highland Orchards is known for its apple picking, but there’s so much more at this Chester County farm. The pick-your-own season includes strawberries, raspberries, and cherries — check the website or Facebook for updates on what’s available. No reservations are needed, but you can make a timed reservation online ahead of your visit. There is a $3 per-person field access fee.
📍 1000 Mashallton Thorndale Road, West Chester, Pa., 19380, 📞 610-269-3494, 🌐 highlandorchards.net, 📷 @highlandorchardsinc, 🕑 Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Solebury Orchards
Solebury opens its 80-acre Bucks County plot in late June and kicks things off with pick-your-own blueberries, which lasts through mid-August. Along with the blueberries, cherries and flowers are also available, followed by apples (about two dozen varieties) in the fall.. Solebury is open rain or shine, and all pick-your-own fruit is priced by the pound.
📍 3325 Creamery Road, New Hope, Pa., 18938, 📞 215-297-8079, 🌐 soleburyorchards.com, 📷 @soleburyorchards, 🕑 Thursday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (starting June 20)
It’s tough to beat this Berks County orchard for its variety of pick-your-own berries. In June and July, you’ll find strawberries, red and black raspberries, cherries, and blueberries, and more. Later, it’s kiwi berries (kind of a cross between a kiwi and a grape). And if you’ve got a particularly sweet tooth, swing by the orchard’s ice cream shed, where you can choose from eight to 10 flavors. Pricing depends on the fruit or container size.
📍 40 Fruit Lane, Morgantown, Pa., 19543, 📞 610-856-7300, 🌐 weaversorchard.com, 📷 @weaversorchard, 🕑 Monday to Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
A few miles away from Weaver’s, there’s another orchard with plenty of berries and other produce to choose from throughout the season. Brecknock offers a pick-your-own strawberry crop, followed by red raspberries in early June, blueberries and black raspberries in mid-June, and blackberries in late June. Plus, if you’re picking, the orchard provides you with a complimentary bottle of water. Be sure to snag a complimentary red wagon to help you carry your pickings.
📍 390 Orchard Road, Mohnton, Pa., 19540, 📞 717-445-5704, 🌐 brecknockorchard.com, 📷 @brecknockorchard, 🕑 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pick-your-own strawberries are now closed for the season, but the cherries, both sweet and tart have started. Be sure to check out the Great Potato Dig (where your picks can be made into french fries) and the Sunflower Experience (where you can walk through sunflower fields and cut one to take home). Call the picking hotline before you go for updates.
📍9875 Schantz Road, Breinigsville, Pa. 18031, 📞 610-395-5655 (Hotline: 610-841-1417), 🌐 grimsorchard.com, 📷 @grimsorchard, 🕑 Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phillips Farms has a variety of Jersey fresh produce ripe for the picking — strawberries, peaches, sour cherries, blackberries, blueberries, and even elderberries — but it’s best to call its hotline for current availability. A Phillips Farms bucket, available for $2.50 at check-in, is required to pick. There is a picking minimum of $5.
📍91 Crab Apple Hill Road, Milford, N.J., 08848, 📞 908-995-0022 🌐 phillipsfarms.com 📷 @phillipsfarmsofnewjersey 🕑 Monday, Wednesday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
This one’s a berry farm located on Berry Drive in Lehigh County, so you know you’re not lost. It’s pick-your-own season includes strawberries, cherries, and red raspberries. Check its Facebook page for updates on offerings. One note, though: The farm doesn’t accept credit and debit cards, so make sure you bring cash.
📍 5681 Berry Dr., New Tripoli, Pa., 18066, 📞 610-298-2591, 🌐 schmidtberryfarm.com, 🕑 Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Shenk’s Berry Farm
All berry sales are pick-your-own at this small Lancaster County farm, which starts its season at the beginning of June with strawberries. In mid-June, the black and red raspberries hit. And if you can’t make it out to the farm, you can head to the Clark Park Farmers Market on Saturdays during the summer and fall, when Shenk’s pops up to sell its fruits and veggies to us Philly folks.
📍 911 Disston View Dr., Lititz, Pa., 17543, 📞 717-626-6194, 🌐 shenkberryfarm.com, 🕑 Call for the farm’s hours.
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