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Conservatives' radical turn

Let's stop misusing the term conservative. A conservative believes in conserving - not spoiling. This is a reasonable and honorable stance. Liberals want to change, perhaps too quickly at times; conservatives are more likely to prefer the status quo.

Let's stop misusing the term



A conservative believes in conserving - not spoiling. This is a reasonable and honorable stance. Liberals want to change, perhaps too quickly at times; conservatives are more likely to prefer the status quo.

Compromise is the basis of our political system. A system in which the views of conservatives and those of liberals complement each other is a system that works.

So, it is not conservative to demonize everyone who disagrees with you.

It is not conservative to be against everything certain people suggest just because they are for it.

It is not conservative to refuse to give people a chance to voice differing views or to drown out those with whom you disagree.

It is not conservative to ignore evidence and promote obvious untruths, such as the lies about the president's birthplace or the so-called "death panels" in the health-care reform legislation.

Yet the people doing these things are referred to as "conservative" by the media, people in government, and even some who are true conservatives.

The media are traditionally careless about labeling; their efforts to simplify too often turn simplistic. They should know better, and so should genuine conservatives.

However, the so-called "Tea Party" people and their allies, whose numbers (and noise) grow steadily, have them spooked. Their tactics, which are actually anti-conservative, intimidate anyone trying to be reasonable and effective. Inspired by talk radio and cable TV, they turn whatever debate exists into a take-no-prisoners shoutfest.

A politician unsure of his or her prospects (meaning most of them) will be wary of alienating these people. Carried to an extreme, their tactics can paralyze government, especially in today's polarized atmosphere. They are not the only reason for stalemate in Washington, but they are a major contributor to it.

There is no cohesive philosophy in their revolt. They represent a hodgepodge of grievances real and imagined. Many are paranoid and destructive. What they are not is conservative.